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So like author~chan here... idfk how to write fics. I literally made this chapter at 10 with no rhyme or reason just: ✨Akitoya✨ DONT be mean please. But ah here ya go. Tell me if you want more.

•~Akito's pov~•

   "Toya isn't replying to any of my texts..." my eyes went to An's, "it's been like a day, this isn't like him." I glanced at my phone hoping to see a new message, but there was nothing.

   She sat across from me in the comfy booth at the cafe. "It is strange," she took a small sip from the strawberry milkshake she had, "but I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. I mean his phone could be dead or he misplaced it. I'm sure Toya's just fine-"

   *DING* the door to the cafe swung open. I quickly swivelled my head hoping to see a certain someone saunter in.

   "Kohane!" An burst out of the booth and strode over to Kohane, leaving me rather disappointed. An pulled Kohane into a small hug before practically yelling, "it took you forever to get here, I was stuck here with this depresso expresso." She gave a slight motion towards me, in return she got a dirty glare. An leaned in to whisper something into Kohane's ear before dragging her over to the booth I was in.

   "Ok. Get out." She said with a playful ring in her voice, "go find your darling Toya."

   I rolled my eyes and got up leaving my seat for An and Kohane. I gave a small wave before opening the door and walking out onto vivid street.

   Yawning I picked up my pace, practically running to Toya's house, having to catch my breath at the entrance. Once I had caught my breath I looked at my phone one more time seeing if he had said anything. Nothing. Shit.

   I rung the doorbell and stood waiting with my arms crossed over my chest. I was wearing casual clothes; dark grey cargo pants and a yellow hoodie with a black t-shirt overtop.

   Tapping my foot in counts of four, I began humming "fragile" a song me and Toya sing together. I checked the time on my phone and rung the doorbell again. Cmon please someone answer.

   Almost immediately after ringing the second time the door swung open forcefully. "AH! Holy shit Toya! You scared the crap outta me!" I put one of my hands on his shoulder as to stabilize myself. After letting out a few breaths I looked Toya dead in the eyes. Dammit he's so fucking pretty, I could stare at him for hours. Especially those eyes. His grey eyes that shimmer in th- wait no wtf am I thinking. I shifted my gaze away, "did you get my texts?"

   "Mh... no. My dad took my phone." I could feel him shift his weight since I still hadn't taken my hand off his shoulder. I still haven't... WAIT FUCK! Jerking my hand away from Toya I kept my head low.

   I heard a bit of movement then felt a warm hand gently grab my chin and lift my head up. Toya forced me to meet his gaze and creased his eyebrows, "what's wrong?" He spoke so softly.

   "I was just worried about you. It's weird for you to not text me back immediately so I... it made me uneasy." I scratched the back of my neck feeling heat rise in my cheeks, becoming flustered. I adverted my gaze to the doorbell that I had rung earlier, trying to force the heat back down.

"Akito... you're really warm," he moved his hand from my chin and brought the other up, using both to cup my face, "are you feeling alright?"

I'm only warm because you're making me this way, Toya. Fuck. Let go of me this is to much. I wanna melt, your hands are so soft. I gently let my head ease deeper into Toya's touch. He didn't move, just let me melt. I wish we could've stayed like that for longer, but of course this small moment was quickly ruined.

"Toya what are you doing?" A loud male voice boomed from inside the house.

Just from hearing his name, Toya jerked his hands away from my face. It left me disappointed, the warm feeling of Toya touching my face being replaced by a cold gust of wind. He turned around looking inside his house.

"Yes dad?" His voice was quiet just loud enough for his father to hear.

"What are you doing?" He repeated, sounding irritated.

"Ah..." Toya glanced at me from over his shoulder, "just getting some fresh air, I'll be right in."

Toya leaned down to my ear. The warmth from his breath hit my neck causing my little hairs to prickle up, "I'll be at the cafe around 10 tonight, you better be there." He looked at me giving a light smile before turning around to face the ajar door.

Toya gave one last wave before disappearing into his house, leaving me standing on the doorstep. Holy shit that was hot. Agh! I slapped my cheeks. What am I even thinking? He's my best friend. What's wrong with me? I sighed still recovering from the heat of his breath brushing up against my neck. I didn't look back, just simply walked off down the street glaring at my phone. 3:26 I still have over 6 hours before I'll be able to see him again. How annoying. I shoved my phone into the pocket of my cargo pants and took a route that led back to my house. Guess I'll have to be patient. What a shame.

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