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Hi~hi thank you for all the support!!! Reading all your comments make me so happy, so thank you! Also I don't have an editor or someone who reads through my chapter before I post it so... if there are any grammatical errors please tell me! I'm gonna start reading through my chapters for any errors. Thank you again for all the love!!! OVER 5k READS?!?! AHSBDJDJI IM SO HAPPY!!!!!! Also I'm so sorry for the really late update, I've been quite busy

•~Akito's pov~•

As I threw both me and Toya's plate in the sink, I jumped as Toya snuck up beside me. I stared at him as he looked back at me, "you know, for someone so tall you sure know how to sneak up on people." I gave him an unamused look.

"Oh, did I scare you?" He tilted his head the way a puppy does, which is adorable. Fuck he's cute.

Huffing and pulling both my hands up to my hips, I spoke, "no. You did not. You just... startled me. Mhm mhm." I nodded my head at the last statement.

"Isn't that the same thing?" Toya questioned

"No! It is not!" My words came out harsher than intended. "Ah, you know what?" I grabbed Toya's hand, "why don't we just go do something?"

Without saying another word I dragged Toya out the front door and off onto the sidewalk. We walked hand in hand neither of us knowing where we going.

Cars zipped by Toya's left side, rushing to wherever their final destination was. Tightening the grip I had on Toya's hand, I focused all my attention on him. "Since we just had breakfast..." I spoke grabbing Toya's attention, "why don't we go do something to blow off some steam."

"Like what?" He asked

"I was thinking we could go to the theme park." Giving Toya's hand a light squeeze, I smiled sheepishly at him.

He stopped to think for a second before saying, "that would be fun, but I don't have my wallet with me..." a troubled look made its way onto his face, "it's at home."

"Well that's no problem, I was already planning on paying for the both of us."

"What? No." Toya creased his eyebrows, "it's expensive you shouldn't spend money on me." He averted his gaze from me and mumbled something else.

Narrowing my eyes, I huffed lightly, "Toya it's fine. I wanna have fun with you and if that means blowing a couple bucks, I couldn't care less. As long as you're smiling I'll be more than happy." I kept my face serious.

Toya shifted his gaze from side to side, "but-"

"Shush, no buts. Just let me cover this, it'll be fun."

Heaving a sigh, Toya caved, "ok, fine."

Smiling at him, I spoke without thinking, "good boy."

Blinking, I looked to Toya who had a slight red creeping up his neck and I could feel the same happening to me. "I-I mean that's great!" Turning away from him, I covered my face with one hand and dragged Toya along with the other. "Let's get going then!" I said hurriedly, striding quickly I'm the direction of the theme park.

Toya kept pace with me as we walked. "Akito..." I turned to face him, still walking fast. "Slow down."

Immediately slowing down I felt a wave of guilt wash over me, "ah, I'm sorry." I brought one hand up to the back of my head and looked down at the ground.

He hummed in response. Glancing up to his face, Toya's expression suddenly became serious, "Akito," he looked at me with something of worry and fear in his eyes, "what will happen when my dad finds out I'm gone. What if he's already noticed?" Toya tensed up, "he'll be mad... he'll be so mad" his voice had dropped down to somewhat of a whisper. "I don't even know if he'll come looking for me, I hope he doesn't. And when he does see me again... he'll probably..." he shuddered and I could only guess at what he was thinking. Toya stood there for a couple seconds before quickly pulling his arms around my chest and letting his head fall gently onto my shoulder. "I don't wanna go home." He whispered softly, squeezing me lightly.

"And you don't have to." I whispered back, bringing one arm up to brace Toya's back and using the other hand to run my fingers through his hair. "You can stay with me for as long as you want, if you want you can stay forever. I'll always be right here, I'll be there for you whenever you need. If your dad decides to show up then we can deal with him together." I squeezed Toya tightly, pushing us closer together, "don't you dare forget that I'm always gonna be here for you. You don't have to worry about your dad, cause even if he does bother us I'll make sure he doesn't for long. So don't worry." Holding him firmly I whispered gently, "I'll make sure nothing happens, that you're safe." Giving him one last reassuring squeeze I let my hands slowly drop, feeling Toya release me hesitantly as well.

Looking to the side awkwardly Toya spoke, "where to now?"

"How are you feeling?" I asked firmly, paying no mind to his question for the time being.

He tensed then brought his gaze up to meet mine, taking a moment to think before answering, "better," with a small yet sincere smile.

"I'm glad," I tilted my head slightly, smiling brightly at Toya. "Also we're still going to the amusement park," pointing down the street, I took a small step forward still remaining eye contact with Toya. "Shall we go?" It was more of a statement as I began strolling down the street, Toya right beside me.

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