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•~Toya's pov~•

I woke up in the same position I had fallen asleep in. Tightly clinging to my pillow, craving any sort of physical touch. I still drowsy as I lifted my head and turned around to look at my bedside clock. 9:39... Holy shit! I'm gonna be late. And after I specifically told Akito to be there. I'm a shitty friend, Jesus.

I hopped out of bed to my feet and strode over to a mirror which hung on my grey walls. Looking over myself I heaved a sigh. My eyes were still a bit red from sobbing and strands of my hair stood up. God I'm a mess. Reaching for a comb on my desk I brushed through the mess of a nest on my head. The color in my hair had begun to fade, I'll have to re-dye it soon.

Walking over to my nightstand, I crouched down and opened the bottom drawer bringing out a small bottle of foundation with a makeup blender. Walking back to the mirror with my makeup now in hand I began putting small splotches of foundation on the red areas under my eyes. I brought the blending sponge up to my face a quickly evened out the messily applied foundation.

Taking a good look at myself, I gave a small nod. I definitely look better than before. How much time do I have? Swivelling my head to stare at my clock I read: 9:46. A wave of panic rushed over me as I swiftly shuffled over to my dresser putting on a dull blue-grey hoodie and dark grey sweatpants. Bending down I grabbed a spare pair of shoe so kept in my closet and shoved them on.

As I walked to the window beside my bed, I put the makeup products on my nightstand. Quietly opening the window I nimbly removed the screen and took one last look at the clock before hopping out. 9:49. Even if I run I'll still be around 10 minutes late. Although 10 minutes is definitely better than the 30 I'd be if I walked. Oh well.

Tiptoeing off of our property I promptly broke into a sprint, taking any sort of shortcut I knew of to hopefully cut a bit of time. Once I had set foot onto vivid street I picked up a bit more speed, almost running into multiple people. At one point I had to stop completely for a group of what looked like other high schoolers to pass by.

Having the cafe now in sight I let myself catch my breath, slowly waking over to the front. Bursting open the door, my eyes wandered around the space landing on familiar ginger hair. Even though I'm late he waited. A small smile played onto my lips. Sneaking up behind Akito I covered his eyes with my hands, making him jump a bit.

"Guess who?" I tried my best to make my voice deeper than usual, trying to throw him off but failed miserably, keeping the same softness that mine had.

"Oh, I wonder..." even though he clearly already knew it was me, he played along with my little game. Akito startled me when he quickly stood up, ripping my hands off of his face and turned to me. "Toya!" He spoke as if surprised it had been me all along. He seemed to be debating something before pulling me into a hug. This time the strength he always had in his voice was replaced by something much more soothing, "are you doing ok?"

It took me a second to process the fact that Akito was hugging me and what his question was. I brought my arms up to hug him back. Wrapping both around his waist, I let my head gently fall onto his shoulder, "yeah I'm fine. Why?" Taking a deep breath a small feeling of guilt settled over me. I don't want to lie to Akito but I also don't want to burden him with my problems.

"You know I can tell when you're lying." His statement startled me. "I know when you lie because I care you about you and pay a lot of attention to you." It seemed as if he added that last part as to not seem to assertive. Akito moved one hand from my back up to my head, running his fingers through my hair. "So... please tell me what's wrong."

"Can we sit down first?" For some reason my voice was shaking a lot.

"Of course." Akito hesitantly released me from the hug and grabbed my hand, leading us to a small booth secluded in to corner. The lights were dimmer over here and the booth seats made it seem very private. "Here, this place isn't out in the open like every other seat." I sat down, expecting Akito to sit on the other side of the booth but instead he plopped down right beside me. "Do you want anything to drink?" He asked whilst looking around for someone who could take their order.

"Water is fine." I looked down to my lap and began playing with my fingers.

"If that's all you want I'll go quickly grab a bottle from the front." He tilted his head the way a puppy would.

"Ok..." As he got up I felt a sense of loneliness spread over me. I found myself counting how long it took him to get me water. 2 minutes and 23 seconds. He slid the water bottle over to me as he sat back down.

"So," he turned to me, locking his hazel eyes with my own dull grey ones, "what happened?" He shuffled a bit closer to me.

"Nothing, really." I broke the eye contact, "me and my dad just got into a fight."

"Fight?" Akito put his hand over mine and lightly squeezed, "you mean argument, right?" There was a certain sternness in his voice that I couldn't quite place.

Biting my lip, my eyes became glossy. If I wanted to I could cry my heart out to Akito, although in front of all the people who were also in the cafe that was a no go. Despite the safety and privacy that our booth gave it didn't change the fact we were still in public. "I wish I did," despite my efforts, my voice cracked as I spoke. It was quiet I didn't know if Akito actually heard what I had said.

Anger briefly flashed in his eyes but was almost immediately replaced by a look of empathy. The movement was fast and precise as Akito brought me into another hug. I embraced him back immediately, holding onto him as if my life depended on it.

"I'm so sorry, Toya." Whispering in my ear, he tightened his grip on me not showing any signs of wanting to let go. "If you want you could stay with me for a bit. My family would be glad to have you."

I forgot to breath for a moment. Akito wants me to stay with him, because he actually cares. "If it really isn't a problem, then that would be amazing."

"Well then," he let go of me, leaving me rather disappointed, "no need to stay in public, let's go." Grabbing my hand as we both got up Akito led me down a familiar path to his house.

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