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THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT, YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!!! I never imagined this story would get over 900 reads, seeing a sim completely new to fanfic writing. Thank you so much! Also I don't think I can update as regularly because I have become very busy, even tho it's summer... I'll try to update once or twice per week!!!

•~Akito's pov~•

Waking up, I was very warm. Not sweating but it was definitely hotter than usual. Also something was constricting me, it felt like there was a wall on either side of me. As if my room had shrunk, maybe I was delirious because I was still half-asleep.

I yawned and brought a hand up to rub my eyes, becoming more awake. That's when I realized the supposed "wall" in front of me was breathing and that my walls hadn't suddenly began to close in on me, but instead it was Toya hugging me tightly to his chest.

Shit I really had to go and fully wake up, I probably won't be able to get back to sleep now. I huffed as I wrapped my arms around Toya, no matter I can definitely settle with cuddling whilst awake. I shoved my face into Toya's neck and let my breathing become harmonious with his. As long as Toya was asleep I would stay with him like this. This is nice, maybe I will be able to fall asleep again. Being like this with Toya was so calming, I didn't want this moment to ever end.

We stayed intertwined for about another thirty minutes before Toya softly woke from his sleep. Our breathing becoming disconnected as he stirred. "Akito..." he mumbled quietly as he began to gain consciousness.

"Yes?" I whispered back gently.

He jumped and released me from the embrace, sliding back a bit. "Ah! Uhm... you're awake?" There was a hint of urgency in Toya's voice. "For how long?" He was so alarmed I could practically hear Toya's internal screaming.

"Oh... a while." I nonchalantly said whilst a smirk played its way onto my lips.

A rosy pink danced its way across Toya's cheeks as he made some sort of disgruntled noise. I rarely ever get to see him flustered. Why the fuck is he so adorable?

Toya composed himself just as fast as he had become flustered, clearing his throat and averting his eyes from myself. "I... see." He said as he began to sit up. I frowned, wishing we could've stayed like that for longer. I guess we do have to get up at some point though. As Toya stood up, his hand went to his chin, showing he was thinking about something.

"What is it?" I brought him out of his thoughts.

He turned to me, flapping his arms a bit, "it's just... I don't have a change of clothes." Using one hand he grasped the loose fabric on his chest, giving it a light squeeze.

I chuckled loudly, not even trying to hide my amusement, "that's what you're worried about?" I let out a hearty laugh. "You can just borrow some of my clothes. You're not that much taller than me, it should be fine." Hopping up to my feet, I stumbled over to my dark wood dresser. Crouching down to the bottom drawer, I opened it, pulling out some watermelon boxers as a giggle escaped my mouth. Closing that drawer I went one up and slid it open, rummaging through my pants before I found some generic stretchy grey sweatpants. Finally I reached my top drawer, now standing up on my feet, and opened it immediately pulling out a light blue baggy t-shirt. Crumpling the clothes into a ball, I threw them at Toya's face as he was spacing out whilst sitting on the side of my bed.

The clothes impacting his face caused Toya to snap out of his daze. He flinched and watched as the clothes plopped down in his lap. Kinda wish I were those clothes right now... Toya picked up the sweatpants a satisfied smile playing onto his lips, which was quickly replaced by one of disbelief. "Watermelon?" He held up the boxers that I threw at him.

"Cute, right?" I strained, stifling my laughter, but failed as a snort escaped my mouth.

Toya huffed and got to his feet, striding over to my door. He swung it open and looked back at me over his shoulder, "stop laughing," he pouted. "I'm gonna go change now." Despite the fact Toya seemed upset he closed the door gently.

A deep chuckle came from what felt like my chest, causing me to take a moment to process the noise that just came from my mouth. What the fuuuuuuck. I blew out a sharp breath and walked over to my dresser.

"Now what should I wear?" I mumbled aloud to myself. I bent down and pulled out purple and black cargo pants along with a tight sleeveless turtle neck. Fawning over the turtle neck for a second I whispered, "this'll do perfectly," I gave a small proud laugh.

Getting up to my feet I decided to just change in my room. I quickly replaced the grey cargo pants I seemingly passed out on with the purple and black ones. I seem to have a style. Another small chuckle escaped my mouth. Why am I laughing so much this morning? Am I high? But I've had nothing... hmm... whatever it doesn't matter, all I know is right I'm happy and I really don't care for why.

As I was taking off my shirt I got it mainly off, the only way it was still on me was my arms where it lay just past my elbows. Just as I was about to finish taking it off I heard a click behind me and turned a full 180 degrees to face my door.

So... you've got daddy issues? (Akitoya)Where stories live. Discover now