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Ok first and foremost I want you guys to know all the comments are making me smile like an absolute goof, hmph! Also about last chapter how at one point Toya said something about re-dying his hair, I know it's canonically natural but I have a hc where he enhances the colour with dye since Akito likes his hair. (Kinda gay if you ask me.) My excuse for not mentioning this earlier and also for any other mistakes I made is the fact I wrote it at around 1 am, running solely on my commitment to finishing last chapter. ALSO OVER 100 READS?!???! IM SO HAPPY, YALL ARE GREAT 💖💖💖

•~Akito's pov~•

   Even as I unlocked the door and entered my house, I refused to let go of Toya's hand.

   "Oh, brother I didn't realize you'd be back so soon." Ena sat on the couch hugging a stuffy whilst Mizuki was plopped right beside her, cocooning them self in one of Ena's fluffy blankets. "And you brought someone with you~" Ena's eyes landed on Toya.

   Before anyone else could say anything I spoke up, "yeah, he's going to be staying here for a couple days." Tightening my grip on Toya's hand I turned around facing a hallway in our house. "Now if you'll excuse us, we're going to my room." Dragging Toya down the hall I opened the door at the very end, which led into my room.

   "Welcome to my humble abode." I jokingly said letting go of Toya's hand. Flopping onto my bed I motioned for Toya to come sit with me. "It's 10:42. What do you wanna do? I was thinking we could put on a movie," grabbing the remote I begun tossing it between my hands, "but if you're tired we could also just go straight to sleep."

   Letting out a small chuckle Toya spoke, "I think a movie would be nice, I'm not really tired." My eyes lit up as I handed Toya handed the remote.

   "I'll let you choose then." Standing up I looked at Toya from over my shoulder, "I'll go make some popcorn while you pick out a movie." Toya made an ok sign with his hands, causing a large smile to play onto my lips as I walked off.

   Entering the kitchen I gazed into the living room over the marble island we had. Ena and Mizuki were still sitting on the couch but this time they weren't taking up the whole couch, instead Ena had made her way over to Mizuki and they were both underneath the blanket. Ena had her head on Mizuki's shoulder as they both gave their full attention to the tv screen. Clearing my throat a grabbed their attention, "Mizuki, are you staying the night?"

   "Sure am." They responded

   Ena then spoke, "Why'd you ask?" She directed that question at me.

   "I was just wondering. Where are you guys sleeping?"

   "In my room, duh." Ena rolled her eyes before realizing why I had been so interested to know where Mizuki would be staying, "oh and uh... yeah, Mizuki is sleeping on the spare mattress. So Toya's gonna have to sleep on the floor."

   I let out an annoyed growl, "Why can't Mizuki just sleep in your bed and you give us the mattress?" I glared at Ena.

   She gave me a death stare right back, "No we got it first dimwit. Why doesn't Toya just sleep in your bed with you!"

   That last part caught me off guard, as I felt my cheeks begin to warm up. Turning around I started rummaging through the cabinets, looking for some microwave popcorn. I was done with this conversation, "Whatever..." I mumbled under my breath as I found a bag. Putting it in the microwave, I set the time for two minutes. Now all I have to do is wait.

   "Oh ho ho," my sister sounded full of herself, "did I fluster someone?" I turned around once more, propping myself against the island, narrowing my eyes at Ena. "Cmon it's so obvious you like him. All you ever say is Toya this, Toya that." She batted her eyelashes and locked her fingers together as if she were about to start praying. "Toya did so good at the gig we had today! His voice was even more amazing then usual!" My sister spoke in a higher pitched tone as if she were fawning over some guy.

   "What's with that tone?" I scrunched up my face, "I do not talk like that. Plus I talk about other things! Like... ahm... Ken!" I stumbled trying to think of anyone or anything else that wasn't Toya.

   Ena let out a giggle and right as she was about to say something the microwave beeping rung out across the kitchen and living room. Thank god. As I grabbed the now finished bag of popcorn I sped back to my room, not even glancing back.

   Gently opening the door my eyes landed on the beautiful dual coloured hair that Toya had. Toya had one of my pillows in his lap and was hugging it lightly. What the fuck, why is he so adorable. Agh my heart! I brought my hand up to my chest and squeezed the fabric of my shirt.

   "I, uh, found a movie." He turned to face me, making eye contact. "I didn't know what to pick, so I went with a horror movie. Are you fine with that?" He had an expectant look on his face.

   "Of course, just don't cling to me to much." I grinned, letting out a small chuckle. Sitting down beside Toya I turned my attention to the screen. "Hypnotic, what's that?"

   "I don't know. We'll have to find out." Toya picked up the remote. I ripped open the bag of popcorn and leaned my head on his shoulder. "Ready?" Toya quietly asked.

   "Yeah, ready as I'll ever be." I smiled lightly as he pressed play.

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