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OVER 500 READS WHAT?! THANK YOU MWAH~ Also this update is later than usual because I had to watch "Hypnotic" for accuracy y'know? I just looked up horror movies on Netflix lmao and that one caught my eye. Also this chapter is a bit shorter then the others, I hope you enjoy it!

•~Toya's pov~•

I was so focused on the movie that it wasn't until the end credits had I realized Akito moved from his initial position. Instead of simply laying his head on my shoulder, he had made his way over to my lap and his legs gently wrapped around my waist. He had a light grip on my shirt and cozily had his face shoved into the crook of my neck, his fiery hair faintly brushing against my chin. Cute.

I let my head fall on top of his, red hair messily entangled with my pale white skin. "That was actually pretty good." I made sure to speak quietly because of how close were.

"You think that could actually happen?" Akito's voice was also quiet but what he said came out more like an alarmed whisper.


"The... hypnosis. Complete control over someone else. You think that's actually a thing? Could it happen to either of us?" Akito sounded genuinely scared.

I wrapped my arms around him and brought his body closer to mine, "I didn't realize psychological horror got to you. Everything's fine, it's just a movie. You'll be ok Akito." I don't know how to comfort people when they're scared. Even though Akito is my best friend I don't even know how to comfort him, so I do what I think might help. I give him a gentle squeeze, bringing one hand to his head, playing with his hair a bit and using the other to slowly rub circles on his back between his shoulders.

"I can handle most types of horror but psychological it just... creeps me out." Akito gave an almost silent whimper as heis grip on me tightened, "I guess it's just... just the fact that it feels like... like it could actually happen. You wouldn't be able to miss a giant monster or anything else in a generic horror movie. But when it's all in your head... it's... different." His voice was shaky, not the type of shaky where anyone would notice but the type of shaky where if you pay enough attention to a person you would notice. Akito shuddered and pushed his face into my neck.

Letting out a sigh I gently twirled a piece of Akito's hair around my finger, "hmm, yeah it is different. But I don't think you'll be hypnotized by some freaky therapist. Also before you say something like... uhm... but anyone could do it, it doesn't have to be a weird therapist! Know I'll always be by your side, I won't let anyone hurt you. I'm here for you Akito." I took in a deep breath. It was a bit nerve racking saying all that, I don't know if any of what I said helped or even made him feel better in the slightest.

My worries were quickly thrown out the window when Akito spoke once more. "Thank you." Those two words as simple as they may be, meant so much. The mellowness in Akito's voice melted me, heat dancing up my cheeks.

A rosy pink spread across my face as I flopped my head down into Akito's orange hair, "your welcome."

We sat like that for who knows how long, maybe minutes or hours but it just felt like a few seconds. A comfortable silence took over the air as the only sound was the hustle and bustle outside the room along with our breathing.

Akito spoke, his voice a mere whisper, "I don't know how much sleep we'll be getting like this," he slowly and carefully broke away from my embrace. "Why don't we lay down?" He shuffled over to the left side of his bed and let his body fall lazily onto the mattress and pillow.

Before I could do or say anything Akito had his hand around my wrist and dragged me down onto the bed with him. We lay facing each other for about two seconds before Akito once more wraps his arms around me. A warm feeling rushing over my body. Instantly I returned the embrace, pulling him into my body. Akito's head resting on my chest whilst mine rested on his head. He gradually brought his legs to mine, intertwining them with my own.

A soft smile reached my lips as I closed my eyes and was engulfed by a comfortable black as sleep took over me.

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