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Ok... so I blink once and the story has 1k views istg I fall asleep and the next thing I know it has over 1.7k?! Wow thank you!!! YOU GUYS ARE THE GREATEST!

•~Toya's pov~•

*a couple minutes before*

After looking through the clothes Akito threw at me, I grabbed the pile and strode out of his room softly closing his door behind me out of habit. Taking a right to the bathroom I opened that door to enter the small space.

The toilet sat beside the counter with a shower opposite of that. I jumped as my bare feet made contact with the cold white tile floor. Turning around, in one clean motion I shut the ajar bathroom door, locking it as well.

I quickly shuffled over to a small rug in front of the shower, which had a pink and yellow swirled design. I let myself melt into the warmth of the rug before changing.

Taking off the pants I wore to bed, I changed my plain grey boxers for the embarrassing watermelon ones Akito had given me. Making a disapproving face, I pulled on the grey sweatpants, tying the string loosely around my waist. Quickly swapping the shirt I was wearing for the light blue one, I walked in front of the large mirror over the sink. Looking myself over I realized one thing was missing; socks. Aww shit I'll just go ask Akito for some, he should be done changing by now.

I danced across the cold tile, unlocking the door once I got to it and quickly sliding out. Turning left I reached Akito's door within six steps. Forgetting to knock on his door I just opened it with a soft click!

Opening the door I quickly noticed Akito was facing me, I also noticed he didn't really have a shirt on. I stood in the doorway, having to process this scene. Holy, he looks so good without a shirt. Fuck he's toned... and really hot. I bet he's warm... would he mind if I just hugged him like this? I pinched myself with force. What am I thinking? Turning around I closed the door fast and with force. "I'm sorry!" I yelled out as the door slammed.

Pulling my hands up to my face, I dug my cheeks into my palms as to cover the blush that I could feel creeping up my neck. My long slim fingers covered my eyes as I leaned my back against the door, letting it support all of my body weight. I slid down the door, plopping myself onto the ground. With my hands still covering my face, I let my knees hide my face even more, hunching down into a ball. I'm so stupid.

Taking my hands away from my face, I let my arms fall to my side as I leaned my head upwards against the door. I can't believe I forgot to knock. I mean... maybe it was a good thing I didn't, I did get to see Akito without a shirt. Hmm... he really does have a nice body. A vivid shade of red snuck onto my cheeks. I shouldn't be thinking like this. I want to hug and cuddle and kiss and just do things you do with someone you love with Akito. But... father says it isn't normal for guys to like other guys, if he found out I was having these thoughts and urges... I shivered thinking about what he would do to me. Slapping my cheeks I let out a soft sigh. Why is life so hard?

Absorbed in my thoughts, I was more than happy when Akito's voice sounded from the other side of the door, "Toya, I'm done changing now if you wanna come in."

I quickly stood up and carefully opened the door, peaking into the room as to make sure I wasn't intruding again. Swinging the door fully open I saw that Akito was sat on the edge of his bed.

"So... mr.intrusive," I winced at the name, "ah! I was just joking." Akito stood to his feet and walked over to me stopping about a foot away, "I didn't mean it, I'm sorry."

I let out a soft giggle, "it's ok Akito, you don't need to apologize." I gave him a small smile.

He looked me in the eyes and I watched as a soft pink creeped it's way up onto his cheeks. "Toya," I snapped my eyes up from his cheeks to his eyes, "what was it you came rushing in for?"

"Oh, well it's kinda funny actually. I was missing socks so... I came for those." I adjusted my gaze to the ground, "I thought that you would be done changing, I really didn't mean to intrude. I'm sorry." A feeling of guilt washed over me.

"Hey, it's ok. No worries." Akito brought one arm up and gave my shoulder a gentle pat. "I guess I should get you some socks, ay?" He gave me a toothy grin as he turned around letting go of my shoulder to go over to his dresser once again.

Akito knelt down to the bottom drawer and pulled out a pair of plain black socks. Standing up with way more force then necessary, he banged his wrist on one of the handles for the drawers, "FUCK!" Akito yelled dropping the socks and using his free hand to hold his wrist. "Fucking dresser, why do you have to be so big and hard?" I stifled a giggle at Akito's last statement as my mind went to a dirty place. Akito turned to me with a look of playful anger on his face, "wow Toya, I didn't think you would be the one to think of something like that," he let go of the wrist he hit and bent down to pick up the socks, standing up straight he threw the socks at me, which I caught. "Put on your socks dipshit," a smile spread across Akito's face and I returned it.

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