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This chapter has Toya's dad being extremely shitty and abusive so if that triggers you, please do not read past this point. You can either stop reading all together or skip to the next chapter. ( ^ω^ ) •Author~chan

•~Toya's pov~•

   When I closed the front door and slid inside my father was leaning on the wall a stern look on his face.

   "Who was at the door?" He said plainly standing up straight on his feet.

   "No one." I looked to the corner of the wall, a blank expression on my face.

   "Clearly it wasn't 'no one'," my father took a small step forward, towards me, "if it was no one then it wouldn't have taken you that long to get rid of them." He continued on shuffling slowly towards me. "Plus," my father added, "you seemed a little happy when you came in, meaning someone you knew was at the door." My father finally stood right in front of me. I felt so small. "So..." he bent down coming straight to my eye level, "I'll repeat myself. Who was at the door?"

   I gulped, a bead of sweat threatening to trickle down my forehead. I couldn't keep my eyes in one place. They jutted around hoping to find an exit whilst my brain ran miles. Excuses formed an were torn down immediately. "It was just... our neighbour. He wanted... ahm... to just see how we were doing. Since we've been inside all day." My voice was shaking and I felt like my father was staring daggers at me.

   "I can tell when you're lying." He grabbed my shoulder, having a vice grip that was made tighter by the second. "Don't lie to me son, that will only end up worse for you." My father squeezed tightly on my shoulder, getting a small yelp of pain out of me.

   "Dad. Please stop, that hurts." I whispered.

   "It hurts?" He seethed, "maybe you shouldn't piss me off by lying to me." His voice was loud, my dad was yelling at me. He used his free hand to grab my other shoulder pushing me against the wall with force. I hit my head on the wall, a quick groan escaping my lips. I wanted to defend myself but was fearful of the consequences which would follow. My vision went blurry and my head throbbed a bit. But that didn't stop my dad. He pulled me forward off the wall then slammed me against it once more.

   He got right up in my face. Even though we were so closed he still yelled, it hurt my ears, "Now you better listen to me! I want to know who was at the door. That's an order." He was being really stern and never released the grasp on my shoulders.

   A sudden wave of confidence flushed over me, "that's none of your concern," I let out a quivering breath, "they weren't here for you." I tightly closed my eyes, readying myself for anything that would come. To no surprise a loud sound ringed in my ears followed by a stinging sensation in my cheek. The slap was sure to leave a clear mark. I jolted my eyes open, they became glossy from the sharp pain in my cheek.

   I looked to my dad. I'm scared. I tried to take a step away but that was clearly a bad idea. My dad took the hand he had slapped me with and seized my wrist. He finally took his hand off my shoulder and turned around, beginning to stride somewhere in the house, dragging me along. I brought my free hand up to cup my cheek as to in some way protect it.

   He stopped us in front of the door to my room, "now I'll ask one more time, Toya. Who was at the door?" His eyes were expressionless and his mouth a thin line, "it better not have been the ginger kid that put you into this rebellious phase, giving up classical." I looked away for a moment but my father caught this, immediately knowing it had been Akito at the door. "Now you listen here Toya! I don't want you being around that guy any more! You better not disobey your father." He spoke with so much venom.

   "But-" I tried to speak but was pushed into my room.

   "No buts!" My father yelled in my face, "you know I don't like that guy and yet you still hangout with him. You are a terrible child." My dad slammed the door in my face leaving me all alone in my room. I could hear a bunch of movement on the other side of the door and then a quiet bang and something heavy was pressed against my door. Since my door didn't have a lock, father had to get creative with the ways in which he would lock me in here.

   "I want you to think about what you've done." His voice boomed on the other side of the door, I simply tuned him out and flopped onto my bed.

   "Yeah, yeah," I responded softly my voice straining. Small tears swelled in my eyes before pouring out. I want Akito. I brushed my hand over my night stand searching for my phone only to remember that my father still had it. Turning my head ,I looked over to my clock which read: 3:49. Still around 6 hours till the time I had promised I would be at the cafe. This is going to feel really long.

   I sighed, grabbing a pillow and hugging it tightly into my chest. Shoving my head into the pillow, my hair sprawled out messily. I sobbed into it, letting my tears flow freely. My pillow quickly began to dampen along with my blanket that I rested over top of.

   I eventually got lulled into sleep due to the tiredness I had quickly gained from crying. My eyes were puffy and my pillow soaked as everything turned to black.

Any type of feedback is much appreciated seeing as I am new to writing. I also rushed this and don't think it's the greatest but I hope you still enjoyed it. I also do not know how to write the type of scenario I wanted to portray here so... like I said before any sort of feedback is great.

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