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When I started writing this fic, it was pure impulse. And don't get me wrong I am overjoyed with how much attention it's getting, but I am getting very burnt out for it. I have no idea where it's going to go since like I said I created it on impulse so... I'm gonna try to end it soon. I have no inspiration and wanna try writing other things so the ending may feel rushed because it will only have a few more chapters. I hope you understand. Thank you for reading. Also sorry it took so long to get out.

•~Akito's pov~•

Our laughter seemed to echo as we stepped out of the teacup, "I didn't know it was possible to spin that fast," I exclaimed, giggling.

"It was dizzying," Toya calmly stated, the ghost of smile playing on his lips. I smiled right back looking around us, trying to find another ride for us to go on. I noticed one that was close to the ground yet still somewhat scary. It flung people around as if they were attached to a rubber band, plus it was two people per seat.

I pointed to it without saying a word. Toya smiled softly and I began waking towards it with Toya following closely behind. We shuffled ourselves into the line, which was on the shorter side and patiently waited for our turn on the ride.

•~time skip to the end of the day~•

As the sun began to descend we exited the train ride we had just gone on. "I don't think that's meant for anyone over the age of 10." I laughed, "almost thought I was gonna get stuck in there," I said with a playful tone. In response Toya chuckled lightly, nodding his head ever so slightly.

Pulling out my phone as we walked away from the ride, I checked the time. It's already 8:40?! "Toya," he looked at me tilting his head slightly, "it's already 8:40, we have 20 minutes left." As I spoke, I watched Toya's expression become slightly disappointed.

Sighing I thought of something, "you know... I heard that they were gonna set off fireworks today before closing for whatever reason."

Toya perked up, his eyes glistening. Cute. He thought for a second before saying, "we should go find a nice place to watch them then."

"I already have the perfect spot in mind," locking eyes with Toya I smiled lightly.

"H-huh? Really?" He questioned, surprised I already had a place in mind.

"Yep!" I held out my hand for him grab, "we might wanna hurry though," Toya brought his hand up to mine and our fingers interlocked.

We began to hurry off to the place I had in mind. "So where are we going?" He questioned as we continued making our way tot he destination.

"It's a secret," I grinned at him deviously.

"Suddenly I don't like where this is going," Toya laughed quietly as I dragged him to the line up for the Ferris wheel. We stood silent for a second before Toya spoke, "Akito... you know I'm-"

Cutting him off I gently brought my hands up to his cheeks, "I know. Just focus on me, it's gonna be alright," I smiled comfortingly at him. Toya looked to the side with uncertainty and lightly nodded his head.

Eventually we reached the front of the line and shuffled onto one of the carts on the Ferris wheel. The bar was brought down to our stomachs as I slipped some money to the person manning it, so we would be able to watch the fireworks from the top.

As we began to ascend, I felt Toya stiffen. "Hey," I let my hand float up to his face and gently cupped his cheeks, "it's gonna be perfectly fine, just focus on me." I shuffled closer to Toya and the cart swung lightly, which caused Toya to start shaking.

"Akito..." he whimpered, "I wanna go down," he said quietly, squeezing my shirt and shoving his head into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him, using one to gently hold his head as I let his soft hair fall over my hand.

"Sh, as long as I'm here you're safe so don't worry," I gave him a light squeeze, "I've got you," whispering in a comforting tone, I continued to hold onto Toya, wishing for us to stay like that forever. Suddenly the Ferris wheel came to a stop and I felt Toya jump a bit as he dug his head into my chest, squeezing the fabric on my shirt much tighter. "It's fine. Look, we've stopped," Toya very hesitantly tilted his head so he could see everything around us.

Taking out my phone so I could barely see it, I pressed the home button and looked at the time. 8:54. "Right on time," I whispered as I saw the 4 change to a 5. Almost immediately an explosion could be heard and an array of Color's lit up the sky. I felt Toya shift and stared at him as his expression changed from fear to utter awe.

"They're so pretty," he mumbled in a somewhat delighted tone.

Never averting my eyes from Toya I let a few words escape my mouth, "yeah, they are."

Tilting his head to look at me, our eyes locked and I watched a pink hue spread across Toya's cheeks, "wh-why're you staring at me," he asked a bit flustered.

"Because... you're pretty too," a darker hue of red engulfed Toya's cheeks, as I felt mine start to heat up as well. Shuffling a bit closer to him he seemed to move towards me a bit too. His hand was beside him on the seat and I gently placed mine on top of his, putting my fingers in between his. "You're so beautiful..." I said quietly, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Akito, you're... really handsome," he spoke softly, looking to the side. Why is he so fucking cute. God this ISNT fair. I really wanna kiss him...

I got closer to Toya and looked up slightly, meeting his eyes. "I like you, I really like you Toya."

Toya's eyes seemed to widen for a second in disbelief, "I... like you too," a small pleased smile played onto his lips.

Bringing one hand up to his face, I muttered, "can I kiss you?" Feeling my blush deepen, I awaited Toya's reply.

"Yes..." he said almost silently, as both of us leaned forward and our lips met. I felt Toya's hand slide into my hair as he gently held me. I brought my hand down from his cheek to his neck and used my other one to grab his shirt, pulling myself closer to him. Time seemed to both stop and speed up in the short time our lips were together. As we pulled away from the gentle kiss, I found myself stunned and wanting more. Toya smiled at me gently and I felt butterflies form in my stomach.

I didn't want to be rude but I still sheepishly said, "again?" The blush on my face beginning to creep down to my neck. Toya simply nodded as I eagerly pulled him in for another kiss. This one was just as gentle but was drawn out for much longer. My eyes fluttered closed as a content feeling fell over me. The loud boom of the fireworks seemed so distant and I felt dazed as Toya held onto me, pulling my hair very lightly. Would it be too soon to say 'I love you' because fuck I love him so much. I smiled goofily as I pushed myself deeper into the kiss.

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