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Hi y'all I know it's been a second but I am going to hopefully start updating this story more regularly, I have no clear vision for this story, I'm just kinda writing it so... ehe~. Anywho I really appreciate everyone who has taken the time to read the story so far and hope that despite my shitty perception of time and update schedule you still enjoy the story. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING SO FAR!! Also I have stated before I am very new to writing in general (only really written for school projects) and this is my very first fanfic so I really do value all of you. Thank you.

•~Toya's pov~•

Surprisingly the line-up to the ticket stand wasn't very long despite it being earlier in the day, meaning we got into the theme park quickly, giving us more time to have fun. Having no idea where to start, I simply followed Akito through the massive arches that gated in the park. I kept pace with him as he led the way. Akito stopped abruptly in front of an oddly colourful souvenir shop that was surrounded by an assortment of other shops and cafés. I stopped with him and we locked eyes, paying no mind to anything around us.

"So..." Akito said strongly, "what should we do?"

I didn't need any time to think, "anything you want to do." I stated simply, eyeing the entrance which had bunches of people swarming in through. Turning back to Akito, I stayed silent.

"Hmmm," bringing his hand up to his chin, Akito stood there thinking for a good couple seconds before speaking again, "why don't we go on some scarier rides?" He had an expectant look on his face.

"Ok," I spoke softly, a smile playing onto my lips. Behind him I saw a tall drop tower, that descended with exceedingly fast speeds. Despite being able to hear the distant screams of those on the tower, it had been coloured a pleasant pink. Pointing to the tower, Akito turned around, "how about that first?" I asked quietly.

His eyes lit up and a devious grin spread across his face as he seized my hand, speeding off in the direction of the tower. I picked up my feet as he dragged me with him past groups of people who were also enjoying themselves. Within the short time we had been there the place had already become much livelier, happy faces everywhere. Akito dragged me through a small alley, which seemed to be a shortcut leading directly to the drop tower. As we arrived at the drop tower, we were suddenly in a wide-open area that was buzzing with activity. A musician could be faintly heard over the murmur of everyone around with the screech of the rides blending in with all the other noise.

We got in line for the tower and within a few minutes we were at the front of the line, waiting for the tower to come down once more before we get on the ride. As it came to a halt and the other people got off a few wobbling out of it others proudly strutting off, both me and Akito took our seats on the ride right next to each other. As soon as the ride had every seat filled it began to slowly rise to the top of the tower. Looking down as we kept creaking upwards, I felt an extreme sickness overcome me. We're so high. I couldn't look away from the ground that was slowly but surely becoming farther and farther away. Why did I think was a good idea? Everything became disoriented and I began to shake lightly as my eyes stayed locked on to the ground that was so far below.

As we reached the top of the tower it stalled for a second before dropping with an absurd amount of force. Out of instinct my hand shot out for anything to hold onto, which also just so happened to be Akito's hand. Closing my eyes I turned my head to the side, leaning into Akito. I began shaking more violently as I felt the tower go up a bit before dropping once more, it was as if the ride were bouncing up and down rapidly.

As the ride came to a final halt I felt the pressure of the restraint lift off my body. Slowly opening my eyes I saw that we were finally on solid ground once again. My shaky legs impacted the ground as I stood up. Trembling, I wobbled off of the platform right beside Akito.

Akito had somewhat of a guilty look on his face as he spoke, "I completely forgot you were afraid of heights... sorry for dragging you onto that." He motioned towards the drop tower.

"You seem to have also forgotten it was my idea to go on it," a soft giggle escaped my mouth, "although it probably wasn't one of my best ideas. Clearly I wasn't thinking straight."

"Although," Akito slightly moved his hands up and down in the way a scale would, "for someone deathly afraid of two-story buildings, you held yourself together pretty good. I mean... you didn't even scream!" He quirked his eyebrows up, making somewhat of a shocked face but due to the fact he had a large smile present on his face he looked more crazy than shocked.

"I'm pretty sure I didn't scream because I was too scared to even think, I was more focused on the ground below, than whatever came out of my mouth." An awkward smile took over my face.  "But no more dumb decisions, I'm not going on a ride that's tall ever again." I stood in place, letting out a triumphant, confident breath.

Akito stared at me, smiling but also looking somewhat dumbstruck and I swear I heard him whisper cute under his breath. I stared back at him, a rosy pink illuminating my cheeks. Akito seemed to catch himself, rushing for his next words, "so no rollercoasters?" He had quickly changed his face from dumbstruck to something of a slight disappointed pout.

"We can go on rollercoasters, but I need to recover first." Smirking slightly, I brought my hand up to my chest gripping the fabric on my shirt and trying my best to make an anguished face, "I don't know if my heart can take any more." I said playfully.

"Well then... I guess you choose what we go on next." Akito said shrugging.



Giggling softly I grabbed Akito's wrist, dragging him in the direction of the ride, "yes, you heard me. Teacups."

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