Going to the chapel and were gonna get married

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Lexie walks up to where Janet was standing. Mark takes her hands and gives them a kiss. They look at each other with love in their eyes.

Michael who is the minister starts talking.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen I'm happy to make Lexie Grey and Mark Sloan wife and husband. Lexie and Mark met in the hospital down at earth. They became a couple a couple months into knowing each other. They fell in love pretty early in their relationship, when I checked in on George he was almost always watching you guys, either crying or laughing. I've watched the good times of your relationship both here in the good place and back at earth. Your soulmates. In both universes. So I believe your doing your own wows, right?" He looks at Mark and Lexie. They both nod.

"Okay I guess I'm starting. Mark Everett Sloan I love you. I love you more than anything. I love how you call me Little Grey which you've called me since before we became a couple, I love how you cared so much for your patients down at earth and often used more time on stitching their wounds, making sure they don't have a scar. The way you were such a good dad, and will always be a good one. The way you love me more than anything. I love you Mark Sloan, and I choose you forever. We're meant to be." She gives him a tearful smile. She puts his ring on his ring finger and squeezes his hand.

"Okay now it is Mark's turn." Michael points at Mark.

"Okay. Here we go. Lex, Little Grey, Lexiepedia. You are the love of my life. I will forever love you. I want to grow old with you, I want to eventually have kids with you. As you said were meant to be." He smiles and puts her ring on her ring finger. Michael starts speaking.

"Okay, now Lexie Grey do you take Mark Sloan as your lawfully wedded husband?" Lexie sobs slightly and nods. "I do." "Okay, Mark Sloan do you take Lexie Grey as you lawfully wedded wife?" Mark smiles and looks lovingly at Lexie. "I absolutely do."

"Okay, now I may pronounce you as husband and wife. Mark you may now kiss the bride." Mark pulls Lexie in and give her the most passionate but also tender kiss they've ever had. They pull away and puts their foreheads together. They can't stop smiling.

They pull away and smiles to the guests as they clap for them. They run down the aisle and a limo is waiting for them. They hop in and it's just the two of them.

"We actually got married. Oh my god! Finally." Lexie gives Mark a kiss. "I can't believe it. Your my dream girl. I love you." The limousine driver gets in and drive them to the after party.

They arrive and the other guests has arrived before them. "How did they come before us?" Mark ask the driver. "We took a detour so they could come first. We just have to sit here for a second so the guests are all ready by their tables.

5 minutes later.

Michael goes over to the limo and makes Mark roll down the window. "Everyone's settled and ready for you guys to enter." He smiles as Lexie goes outside of the limo with Mark just behind her. She waits on him and take his hand. They walk into the hallway and can hear the dj say "ladies and gentleman I'm very excited to announce for the first time ever mr and mrs Mark Sloan!" They run in and the guests all clap.

After entering they walk around for a little while saying thank you to the guests for coming. After saying thank you to all they sit down by their table and everyone else does the same. Suddenly George stands up and Lexie smiles.

"Hi everyone, I'm both Mark's best man but I'm also Lexie's bridesmaid. I know Lexie better from our time on earth but from here in the good place I've gotten to know Mark pretty well. And Lexie I get why you love him so much he's a great guy. And guys, I love you and hope the best for you! Let's all toast for Lexie and Mark now!" They all toast and Susan strands up.

Lexie starts tearing up straight as she sees her mom stand up.

"Hi everyone, I'm Susan Grey, Lexie's mother. Lexie, honey! I can't explain how much I love you. You've made me so proud and I'm so glad you found someone that makes you so happy. Mark, my new son, I need you to take care of my little girl and never EVER leave her. Okay? Understand that?" She points at Mark with a smile but still really serious look. Mark chuckled a little uncomfortable but knew his mother in law meant the best for both of them. "Thank you Susan. Everyone clap for my beautiful mother in law." Mark clapped and got the others to do the same.

"But now that I've gotten everyone's attention, I will now ask my wife to join me on the dance floor so we can have our first dance ever as husband and wife."

The wedding band starts playing "the one" and Mark takes Lexie's hand and they walk over to the dance floor.

Mark's pov:

I twirl Lexie around and we look at each other. I put my hands on her hips and she puts her around my neck. We sway to the music only focusing on each other, in our own little bubble. Lexie put her head on my chest and I softly sing the lyrics of the song.

Tell me, tell me that you want me
And I'll be yours completely
For better or for worse
I know we'll have our disagreements
Be fighting for no reason
I wouldn't change it for the world

'Cause I knew the first day that I met you
I was never gonna let you
Let you slip away
And I still remember feeling nervous
And tryna find the words to
Get you here today

You make my heart feel like it's summer
When the rain is pouring down
You make my whole world feel so right when it's wrong
That's how I know you are the one
That's why I know you are the one

Life it's easy to be scared of
With you, I am prepared for
What is yet to come
'Cause our two hearts will make it easy
Joining up the pieces
Together, making one

After a while with just us dancing, other couples joined the dance floor. We danced for a while and then the band stopped the music and Michael walk over to the mic and starts talking.

"Hi guys, the food is now ready so let's all sit down by the tables and eat." As soon as he said that people sat down, so did Lexie and I.

We eat and cut the cake. We dance a little bit more and now me and Lexie are on the way to the hotel in the limousine.

3rd persons view
"I am absolutely exhausted." Lexie says yawning. "Same, I don't think we'll be able to have sex tonight.   Do you want to?" Mark says looking tiredly at Lexie. "Yeah I just want to go to sleep." They walk into the hotel and up to their hotel room. Lexie walks into the bathroom to fix a bath.

"Wanna join me?" Lexie stands in the doorway naked. Mark's jaw flung open. "Hell yeah." She turns around and he runs over to the bathroom. He flungs his suit off and climb into the bathtub with his wife.

1 hour later
They finish the bath and walk to their bed, Lexie put on one of Mark's t-shirts and a pair of panties. Mark puts on some pajamas pants and gets into bed with Lexie. "I don't I'll be able to do it today, can we just watch a movie or something?" Lexie lays her head on Mark's chest, he pulls the covers up and around them. 

"Yes my beautiful wife, of course. I'm also exhausted. Want to watch The proposal?" He says kissing Lexies temple. She nods and he turns it on. 

In the middle of the movie Mark notices Lexie is asleep so he turns the tv off and settles down so he also can sleep. He pushes Lexie off of him and shuffles towards her and puts his hands around her waist. 

Before closing his eyes he moves a piece of hair from her eyes and gives her a sweet kiss on the cheek. 

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