Chapter 11: My Bestfriend's Affair

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  It was weekends, and also it's the only vacant day for me clean and disposed all the unnecessary things in my room. I've noticed that my room was a now invading by the insects particularly webs from the a different species of spider, as well as thick surface of dirt in every narrow part of my room. The main purpose of why I'am doing this is eliminate the some things that will reminds me of Nigel. I prepared a box wherein I'm gonna put inside all the stuffs. While I'm cleaning my drawer I saw an old flashlight, I couldn't recall where did it came from and how long does I have this one. I just set aside the flashlight on my study table. Meanwhile, I continuous removing the unused things, I've collected several papers, staff toys, and even an artificial flowers. I don't why, but I'm I can't resist to do not open the some of the letters. So, that I picked one and read it silently. I discovered that letter was given to me on our first monthsarry, I actually having butterflies again on my stomach, every words from that letter truly brought the memories that we've been together as a couple.

   When everything is fine and clean, I decided to bring it downstairs and burnt it. I went back into my room, and temporarily pause to rest. I sat on my study table, fix all of personal things. I encountered again the mysterious flashlight which was confusing. From that moment I the supply of the electricity in our place suddenly interrupt. As an alternative way I pulled off the curtains in order to enter the sunlight. The darkness was defeated, and I turned on the flashlight to add some light to my table cause I'am not yet done cleaning it. From that time, I remembered whom the flashlight came from. "Nigel, gave the flashlight back when we were in the Province, we are still young too, and guess what is really amazing it's still functioning". That device was very memorable to me, I just put it on the right side of table near the bookshelves. I was remember that time, it was night and only the lights came from the fireflies showed in the middle of the dark like a Christmas lights.

   An unforgettable moments that I feel his soft hands touching on mine, and his lovely voice whistling on my ears that was ineffable to me. I know that I'am in my damnable reverie cause it was already passed and should be burried. After those dramatic scene before and after cleaning my room it seems that first love never die even how many months or years passed by. I am very proud and bewildered as I removed all the toxics in my life and replace it with a new hope and room!. I said lively.

   I definitely enjoyed the weekends staying at home and doing some things that made me so busy. Monday morning, a brand new day and I need to get up and go to my work. I'am like a dog with two tails, because I can be able to see my bestfriend as if  it a very long time since we haven't see each other. It was exactly seven o'clock, and my bestfriend will come in our office because ereyesterday we have an agreement that before my work starts she will visit me. Louisa doesn't came yet. I was alarmed because she didn't told me that she won't be able to come today. From the window of my office I can't take away my eyes looking from the third floor of our office to the outside. All of a sudden,  I saw a car and after a few seconds Louisa get off the car. I was wondering, I thought Louisa have no car yet. And then I saw a guy kissed her,I didn't saw the face of that guy but he is familiar to me his arms and head.

   My boss doesn't came here,so that I and Louisa have an opportunity to talk about anything. Due to my curiosity, I can't handle my mouth so that I unintentionally asked this: "I saw you a while go riding in a car, I'd like to who that guy if seems that you two are very closed to each other"? Ohh.. that guy you are talking about is my... you know a very close to my heart, somebody who will makes me happy all the time. She explained. " I was very happy for you my friend, finally! you now already found the love of your life". Thank you friend! I hope you will someday. I just smiled on her.

   The office hour starts and Louisa need to leave the place. We say goodbye to each other. My boss came, a little bit moody and I don't know why?. He is asking Ezra, my co-worker." Where is Ezra? Harley! "Sir, I don't know maybe he is absent today, but don't you worry Sir I will text him". I response.  I texted Ezra asking why he didn't go into his work. He replied: "I'm so sorry Harley, I was drunk last night that's why I woke up very late". He response. But I'm okay now, let's go out tonight if you want? He added. You're crazy, you haven't fully recovered with that night and now you are inviting me? Do you want to die early? I replied in a hilarious way.

   We went out that night,  I and Ezra have decided to go in bar I asked Ezra to drink moderately and not too much. I ordered a light beverage so that I can avoid being tipsy. I was shocked by what I have seen that night. ' that is Louisa and she is with that guy wearing a gray shirt and pants?. I approached her, Louisa what brings you here? Come over here..join us!. Louisa came and I asked her directly who's that guy? I was a little bit wondering why she is always or there is something that she hiding of. I confronted her! what's with you friend? Every time I've asked you a question you were always refuses to answer!. Who is that guy I repeat! She didn't answered mo until she forced herself: "Harley I know that you've been a good friend to me, and I hope that you will forgive me after this night". Louisa confessed that truth, " He is Nigel you ex- boyfriend. "I exclaimed! Whatt...

   That time I don't what to do,I want to slap her, sabotage her dress, and I want her to embarrassed in front of so many people. "After all this years, Louisa you make me believe that we are friends but you betrayed me".I came to Nigel, a little bit far fr.where our table is." Now I know, everything so many people in world, why?.. why?.. my bestfriend". You have proven to me that it is the right decisions that we cut our relationship."I hope you and my bestfriend Louisa found happiness with each other and don't let your relationship be like us". I hold Ezra' s hands tightly and go out with that bar as much as we can.

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