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The morning after I simply could not stop thinking about her. No matter how hard I tried to distract myself I'd always end up with images of her in front of me the evening before.

My brain was just filled with the sound of her voice and of her laugh. It was as if I could still feel the touch of the hand she'd placed on mine for most of the time we were sitting at that table.

And everytime the thought of her popped into my mind, my heart would start to beat way faster than it usually does. My stomach would feel like it does when you're on a dropping roller-coaster. My palms would get drenched in sweat.

I couldn't help asking myself why this never happened when I was with my ex boyfriend. I thought I'd discovered what a crush felt like when I first met him, but I really didn't have any comparison before him.

It was all suddenly different. What I'd felt for him was nothing compared to what I was feeling by just thinking of her.

I luckily didn't have her phone number or I would have been tempted to text her about twenty times that day. Although I was obsessively checking my phone for notifications from her, since I'd given her my number.

I tried to call Vic to distract myself but she just ended up asking me stuff about her and the evening we spent together. And my dumb self couldn't help but answer.

So I just ended up non stop talking about her for more than an hour straight, instead of entertaining myself with something else.

So, you can imagine how I felt when I suddenly got a text notification at 11pm. And I looked at it. And it was from Sam.

I immediately saved her number in my contacts and opened the text.

sam: Hey Ellie, it's Sam. Just wanted to say I really had a great time yesterday. Although the hangover sucked. Not your fault though, obviously. Do you happen to be free tomorrow morning?

First of all, I was glad to see that although she didn't look as old as she actually was, her texting style definitely reflected a 30 year old. That meant she probably wasn't the kind of person who judged someone from the way they text, like most people my age did.

One thing less to worry about, I guessed. Even though it absolutely didn't make the fact that I had no idea on what to reply any better.

Of course I wanted to accept whatever she was trying to ask, but I didn't want to seem too enthusiastic about it. Last thing I wanted was Sam realizing I'd been daydreaming about her that whole day.

After a good twenty minutes of trying to reply and deleting about ten versions of the same text I ended up figuring something decent.

you: hi! i had a great time too, i really enjoyed myself! also, yeah i'm free tomorrow morning :))

I threw my phone on my bed as soon as I pressed 'send'. My head was already filling with second thoughts.

After what felt like hours but was actually ten minutes at most, my phone lit up revealing the text Sam had just sent.

sam: Wanna go get coffee in that place you were in yesterday morning?

you: sure :)
sam: Great! Meet me in front of my flat at 9? Can't be bothered to climb all those stairs, sorry.
you: i wouldn't want to if i had the chance lol, 9 is perfect. see you tomorrow then!
sam: See you tomorrow! Have a good night, Ellie.

I laughed at how dry her texts were and put my phone down with shaking hands, hoping I was giving her a good impression of me to make up for our first meeting.

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