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☆•Monokuma's New Motive•☆

Shuichi's POV•

"Rise and Shine, Ursine!" Rung through my dorm room where i lived out my days in miserably. 

It had been exactly six days since the death of my friends, Ryoma and Kirumi. The horrid memories upon discovering they're mutilated bodies still lingered in my mind, as it has been since the incident. I tried and pushed the thoughts aside and quickly got out of bed and started getting dressed. As i fumbled with the buttons on my uniformed blazer another thought interred my mind, one i didn't mind. I couldn't help but recall my time with the Ultimate Supreme Leader...Kokichi Oma.

His peculiar nature made it hard to forget him. The small boy seemed to be a pathological liar, filling his days with the task of making each and every one of our classmates feel like hell is getting hotter, But I couldn't help but feel intrigued. 

"Why does he feel the need to do this?  Does he find it funny? Is it because he's formed an opinion on everyone else? what does he think about me?..." I find myself trailing off in thought again. Once I yank my head out of the clouds.. again I finished brushing my hair and I walk out of my dorm, locking the door before I walked myself to the dinning hall.

Kokichi's POV•

Even though the morning announcements hade already rung... twice... I still laid in bed fighting off a horrible migraine, along with nausea from the past night, you see, I 'have' what "mentally healthy people" like to call an Eating disorder. I don't know which one and I could care less. In my opinion, I'm just fine, putting a label on my issues isn't going to fix anything. Y'know forcing myself to get sick and rarely eating doesn't seem that healthy but at least it keeps me feeling somewhat happy. 

Before forcing myself out of bed I couldn't help but recall the memories of last night.

I remember how that night, much like every other night I sat in my bathroom getting rid of all the food I had eaten throughout the day, even if it wasn't much. I couldn't help but wallow in self pity as the hatful thoughts that drive me to those measure flooded through my mind.

"I hate how my uniform fits on my body."

"I hate it."

"I hate how everyone else looks so happy and care free."

"I hate myself."

That's it, I've already ruined the day before it started, not like it'd make a difference. I let my bed swallow me whole once again before I gathered enough strength to get up. My limbs felt sore and stiff, my head felt light. I finally reached my wardrobe and grabbed my uniform that so happened to sag off my shoulder and started getting dressed. Afterwards I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair.

"Jeez, l look like a mess."

As I stared into my reflection, I grew frustrated. I had huge bags under my eyes and my hair was matted. My complexion was pale and it was clear i wasn't in the best shape, though i was convinced it was my body. I grew angry and before i could think i punched the mirror...wasn't my greatest moment.

 I let my head fall into my hands, letting out and frustrated grown and a few tears. I sat there thinking about everything that had happened since I got here. About how everyone hated me and how much I hated myself. I let my eyes wonder around the tiny, messy room. Upon the laundry piling up over the tile I spot the scale. 

"it wasn't enough."

I sat there for a good while. I soon realized how late it had grown and I rushed to finish up. 

"not like anyone would have cared if I didn't show up."

I gather my thoughts and leave the room a bigger mess than it was before. Before I opened the door, I reached for the checkered neck tie I usually wore to cover the ugly scars that covered my neck, I ignored the pain coming from my stomach as I left my dorm and headed for the hall.

•Shuichi's POV•

I soon finished my small walk to the dinning hall and opened the doors. Everything seemed as normal as it could be, Angie and Tenko were talking, Miu tampering with Kibo, and Gonta and Himiko obsessing over their talents with Korekiyo. A few students seemed to have not shown up yet but nothing that concerned me.

"Hey! Sidekick, come sit with us!"

I noticed Maki and Kaito sitting on the far end of the table, both with pancakes and eggs. I walked over to them and took a seat. We all started talking as some other students entered, one of them caught my eye, Kokichi. I couldn't help but noticed his tired face and his stiff movements. As I studied him further I noticed how Kokichi's clothes bagged up on him as he walked.

"It couldn't have been oversized, monokuma makes sure that everything fits us perfectly...actually now that I think about it, ever since we got stuck here kokcihi's gotten progressively thinner-"

"Sidekick? Were you listening?"

"Sorry I got lost in thought" I admitted with a sigh.

Kaito then proceeded to re-tell his story, but I just couldn't seem to focus. I stared at Oma-kun across the table as he bantered with people and picked at his full plate of food, he just seemed so...tired...

I flinched as a squalling voice appeared over the intercoms.

"puhuhuh! Please make your way to the gym for the reveal of the new motive!"

Everyone collectively sighed and complained out of frustration as we filed down the hallways to our hypothetical demise. 

We shuffled through the gym doors and found our respectable places. Monokuma then decided to pop out of no where.

"Helloooo, children!" he said a bit to happy. "I've noticed a murder hasn't occurred yet so I've brought you all here to present a motive!"

The students around me started to whisper, some curious, some nervous, and some angry.

Kaito, of course, decided to speak up, "What do you mean another motive!? haven't we already gone through enough?!"

"Yeah! What he said you degenerate bear!"

Monokuma didn't hesitate to reply, " If you don't shut up I'll make you, now let me introduce to you the switch motive! It's clearly in the name, you will switch bodies with one of your lovely classmates for just enough days, possibly learning all their fears and weaknesses."

"How-" I heard a cocky voice call. "I mean how would this work, nishishi! I don't think magic exists-"

"hey!" Himiko calls out.

The gym broke into panic and argument and the only thing I could mutter out was a weak "oh no.." before feeling lightheaded and blacking out.


☆•Total word count: 1158•☆

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