Chapter Twenty Three

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Justine's POV

Rocky and I had just finished our project. We were working hard on it all during the long holiday weekend. But that is only because I let his habits of procrastination rub off on me. Usually every time I was over there we would end up not doing our work but ended up fooling around, watching a movie, going on a walk, or just talking. Or even doing nothing at all, silent and enjoying each other's presence in the room.

But that's what happens when you hang with and befriend the fun, humorously sarcastic, and sometimes adorable Rocky Lynch.

When I walk through the front door coming home from the Lunch's, my feet immediately bring me down the hallway to my bedroom out of routine. But when I open the door, about to walk in, I freeze in the doorway.

"What did you do?!" I scream as I step further into the room looking at the disaster my brother has obviously made on my wall while I was gone. Loud laughter is heard from the bedroom next to mine. I barge in, a glare in my eyes and my fists balled up.

"Jackson! Why the hell did you do that?" I ask my little brother who rolls on the floor in hysterics. "It isn't funny!"

"I thought your room needed a make over," he finally gets out in between his laughs. "And yeah it's funny."

"So you wrote 'J loves R' on my wall?"

He nods, calming down a little to explain further and sitting up. "Well, I couldn't decide if I should put Riker or Rocky so I just wrote the initials. And it could mean either one; since you can't decide which one to date."

"I tried to stop him," Jillian speaks up from atop the bunk bed but I ignore her statement of defense.

"You have got to be kidding me. It'd better not be permanent!" I rage and stomp out of my room to the kitchen in order to get the supplies to clean up my wall.

About a week later and almost two weeks until Christmas vacation, I spin back and forth on my chair in my bedroom, Hannah and McKayla getting comfortable. They just got here for a rare sleepover at my house. Meanwhile, I receive a text from Rocky.

Rocky: Wanna do something with me tomorrow?
Me: You couldn't ask me this at school?
Rocky: No, I can't sleep until I know your answer.
Me: Fine. What did you have in mind?
Rocky: How about dinner?
Me: As long as you're paying.
Rocky: Fine by me ;)
Me: See you tomorrow Rocky :)
Rocky: Goodnight :)

"Tell me, are you and Rocky dating yet?" McKayla asks me taking a seat on my bed.

"I wouldn't say that," I reply slowly.

"Oh my gosh. You so are!" Hannah says a little too loud.

"Well, technically we aren't."

"But you just agreed to go on a date with him tomorrow," McKayla argues.

"It's not like it's anything fancy. Dinner at In and Out is hardly a date."

"But it still is," Hannah sings a little out of excitement. "He's even paying." I roll my eyes

"Hey, what ever happened with Riker?" McKayla wonders.

Hannah slaps her on the arm. "Don't tell me you forgot!"

"Sorry?" she shrugs.

"Ugh! He cheated on her with that Liane chick, remember?"

"Oh yeah. That's right," realization comes over her but then the expression of confusion returns. "Why'd he do that again?"

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