Chapter Forty Six

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Justine's POV

I open my eyes. The room is lit with sunshine coming through the window. It's a little too bright though. I glance around and find I'm still in Riker's bed. He lays sprawled out right next to me, snoring softly with his mouth slightly open. How adorable. I scoot out of the bed as quietly as I can so I don't disturb his sleeping. Having the urge to pee, I walk around the bed and go over to the door and step out of the room making my way to the bathroom.

When washing my hands, I stare at myself in the mirror. My eyes have little dark circles under them, my lips are plump and swelled. And my hair is a huge rats nest mainly from sleep and from Riker messing with it last night. Speaking of last night... I can't believe what happened.

I was drunk and threw myself onto him. I actually told him I forgave him. I finally brought myself to do it. It may not be how I pictured in my head but it still happened. I confessed and apologized a dozen times, sobbing right in front of him. But I remember all of this weight lifting off my shoulders. It felt amazing and I felt glad despite the crying. It felt nice to have someone there with me and I'm glad it was Riker. I loved to finally be back in his arms again. And I loved that we could talk freely with each other again without it feeling the slightest bit awkward.

I'm ripped away from my thoughts when there's a knock on the door. I open it and walk past whoever knocked. I didn't pay close attention to who it was. It was probably some girl that Rocky hooked up with last night. I roll my eyes at the thought.

"Good morning Justine," her voice calls out after me.

I turn around slowly to see Liane leaning against the bathroom doorway, arms crossed. She's not just some girl Rocky hooked up with but I'm still surprised to see her. Why would she still be here if the party had ended?

"Um hi?" I say stepping back in her direction so we could speak without having raised voices and not disturb anyone.

"I can see that you stayed the night," she announces.

"I can say the same thing to you too," I declare.

"Yeah, neither me or Cameron were in any condition to drive anywhere so we stayed on the couch," she nods. "But I know that you have stayed in Riker's room."

I try not to roll my eyes. "Your point?" She's not exactly my favorite person so I can't help but be a little bit snobby and rude, not to mention the sassy attitude.

"All I was gonna say was don't hurt him," she replies with a warning tone.

It's obvious she's not to fond of me either. The way she looks at me and her tone of voice isn't exactly the sweetest when speaking to me. She's got the fact that I've been hurting Riker for most of the school year against me. And I really don't have anything legitimate against her to be honest. I could say she is the girl Riker cheated on me with but that's a bunch of bullshit. I can't hold that against her or Riker anymore.

I don't know. I just don't like her. I guess it's just a thing that girl best friends of a guy and his girlfriend don't exactly click or see eye to eye.

"I'm not going to. Not anymore," I answer her. I don't let her continue because I don't want to hear it anymore. I walk back into Riker's bedroom to get away. I find him shirtless, looking around the room for another shirt I'm guessing. I freeze in my place. He looks at me and smiles a little.

"Hello there," he speaks with his still sleepy voice.

"Hi there," I say in a whisper, staring at him. I forgot how hot his body was. I mean, I've seen him at the pool but that was when I was with Rocky.

"I thought you left. When I woke up you were gone."

"I was just in the bathroom. I wouldn't ditch you after everything that went on last night. Well even if nothing happened, I still wouldn't leave without saying goodbye."

He nods, grabbing a shirt and pulling it over his head. "So you remember last night?" he asks slowly, searching my eyes.

I nod.

"Did you mean what you said?" He asks, looking a little worried about what my answer would be.

"I did. I really did. And I'm glad I do."

His shoulders relax by a fair amount. "Really?

Nodding again, I walk over and hug him. "I forgive you Riker Lynch. And I am proud to be called your girl once again." He hugs me back, resting his chin on the top of my head.

"I'm glad. It makes me so happy that you could finally forgive me, Justine. You don't even know."

I bet I have an idea but I don't say anything at that. I just continue to be held in his arms, enjoying the smell of his clean shirt and the sound of his steady heartbeat. I smile and pull him just a little closer so I really know he's there. And so he would know that I am really here.


A/N Ahhhhh sorry that it's short.


Happy reading! -Bethany

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