Chapter Ten

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Riker's POV
"It's summertime, and you are all that's on my mind, everyday. It seems like we, could stay up and talk through the night. Oh what do you say?" Ross sings along to the music that he, Rydel, and Ratliff are making. That's right. Ross is singing my part as Rocky and I listen from the side, watching our siblings and friend have fun.

"In my opinion, the song sounds better when you start it," Rocky reckons miserably as Ross continues to sing.

I look over at him as he starts to speak. I can tell he is bored, not being able to play is torture. He's been sitting there, criticizing our own music, for a half an hour. This wouldn't have happened if we didn't argue.

"Thanks," I answer.

"I wasn't saying it as a compliment. I was just making a general statement."

I sigh and respond sarcastically this time, "Thanks."

"Say you'll stay. Hey. I just keep on wishing everyday. Hey," Ross sings instead since I'm too busy talking.

"It needs the background singing," Rocky states when the song is over.

"Agreed," I reply. "But you know that we wouldn't be hearing a song that is lacking background singing and the two other guitars if we didn't argue."

"I know. And you know that we wouldn't have argued if you didn't start it in the first place."

"I did not," he defends. "But whatever. I'm not going to start another argument because I don't want to make my time without music longer."

"Good. So I recommend we won't argue," I suggest.

"I know, it sounds better when everyone is playing the song together," Ross intercepts our conversation.

"Yeah. It's R5 not R3," Ellington adds.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't play with you guys. It won't happen again." He pause before saying, "Are we done 'rehearsing' now?" He creates the air quotes with his fingers. "Cause I am completely bored right now," he explains.

"Yes. We can stop putting you through torture," Rydel reported nicely.

"Thanks, Delly. You're the best," he pats her on the back and quickly exits the basement, probably up to our room to be lazy in bed because there's nothing else for him to do.

"So you guys wanna hang out?" Ratliff asks.

"Sure!" Rydel exclaims right away, smiling.

"Great," he smiles back.

"I would too," Ross says. "But I have something else to do."

"Like what?" I ask, curiously. I am so confused since he always wants to hang out with everyone. It's unusual for him to not want to. I wonder what my little brother would be doing.

"Oh," he falters, "you know."

"No we don't," Rydel says.

"...Homework?" He exclaims tentatively and runs upstairs.

After a few moments of looking after him, Rydel and Ell look at me, wondering if I'll hang with them. I shrug, "I'm in the mood for relaxation at the moment. Perhaps next time."

Rydel rolls her eyes. Though I can see a little sparkle of excitement in her eyes that she'll be alone with Ratliff.

"See ya later, guys. Have fun," I smile and walk up the stairs, as I leave my sister with her crush.

When I get up to my room I see Rocky laying in his bed on his phone. I sit on my bed, thinking before I decide to message Justine. I watch Rocky rolling his eyes and not looking away from his phone.

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