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Alex Parker couldn't sleep.

Not like it was the first time that this was happening. She barely ever was able to sleep at night, and when she eventually did, she found herself awake in the early hours of the day.

Her head would pound like hell, and she knew she could stop it. Could make the pain go away.

All she had to do, was finish the book she was reading.

It sounded so easy, didn't it? Except it really wasn't. What she had to read were unnecessary because she had read them time and time again. She could barely take anymore.

Yet her anxiety kicked in. Telling her 'just one more page. It'd be fine. Everything would be fine.'

But she knew giving into that voice was pointless. She'd never feel safe, and everything wouldn't be fine, so Alex did what she always did every night when this happened. She took her pills and sat beside her bed, head buried into her hands while she waited for her alarm clock to ring.

As she did so, her eyes stayed lm the book on the table that seemed to be taunting her, because it sat right there, looking so fucking harmless, and yet—

Yet, she felt like if she didn't read it, she would lose her mind.

Slowly, she developed a staring contest with it, her nerves wrecking as she tried her best to stay put and not give into the power of the book which paid off immediately her alarm went off.

In a rush, she was off to her bathroom, brushing and showering before heading out in an extra large red and black checkered T shirt that seemed to hide her body frame and jeans that were also loose but not too much with her round glasses on before she hurriedly shoved all her books into her backpack and headed outside the room.

At first, she always walked quietly down the stairs, but she noticed the light in the sitting room was still on and knew there was no need being quiet. "You can't stop me."

Adriana Parker, who looked like she hadn't slept in days with her curly hair in a rough bun stared back at her daughter with a look of worry. "I'm not planning to, Sweetheart."

Alex nodded, beaming a smile at her Mother. "Good. If you'd excuse me." She headed to the door now, glad she didn't decide to push the subject any further.

But that was too good to be true. "Your Father wants you to visit him tomorrow."

She paused now, the hairs on her neck and hand standing as Adriana continued, "I know— I know that things have been a bit difficult—."

Alex heard herself scoff. "A bit?"

Adriana didn't stop. "But I need you to go see them, please. He won't— He won't let me Alexandra—."

She snapped. "Alex."

"Alex. I'm sorry, I—" Alex didn't need to turn to know her Mother was crying now, even though the woman was trying her possible best to not be so loud. "I just need you to go see them. See how they're doing. Tell them that I love them."

Alex closed her eyes, reigning the anger starting to grow. "Is that all?"


She opened them again and set her hand on the door handle. "Alright."

Alex walked out the door, slamming it shut before heading to her bike parked on the front yard. As soon as she was on it, she took out her phone and placed it in the basket bolted to the bike's handles then made a video call before driving off into the road.

The whole place was still dark and quiet, save for the light bulbs around that gave light to the road itself, but Alex didn't mind because she had done this same thing a lot of times and she had on her headphones so she wouldn't feel too lonely.

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