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Olivia Rodrigo - Traitor.

(In truth, the song doesn't exactly go with the chapter but listening to it and writing had me shedding like one tear, or two, lol. And she's good too, yeah)


Marcos woke up with a pounding head. His phone laid on his desk with the screen still on. He stared at it for a while before reaching out and holding it, staring at the notifications on it.

Messages from Mommy.

He didn't bother to read them. Instead, he opened his phone and called her. She picked after two rings, her voice soft as she spoke, "Baby?"

He sniffed, one hand going out to rub his left eye. "A? Sorry, I just woke up."

There were some noises in the background that he could tell was her adjusting her desk. She was always up so early reading. "It's fine. How are you? You sound exhausted,"

"I feel it," He said. The memories of yesterday coming to him in tiny fragments and danced around his head as he heard her say, "You remember yesterday?"

"Mhm," The sound came out from his chest like a small moan. "He... Probably thinks I'm weird—"

"He doesn't," Her retort came fast, sharp. Then he heard her sigh and say, "I shouldn't have triggered you without warning. I know how you feel about it. I just wanted him to know that side of you too. If we're going to be together—"

She didn't complete the statement, but he understood quite well where she was going. She wanted Paris now, with them.  Marcos wasn't sure how he felt about it. Sure, he wanted this, but could she ever love them... Equally?

"It's Sunday," He said, he was biting on his lower lip now. "Are you... Coming over?"

This was the first time the aftereffects of shifting out of his little space seemed to hit him. Hard. Like he was on a boat and everything kept moving . He didn't want to think of big people things. He just really wanted to be taken care of right now.

"Of course, princess. Just stay in bed, I'd get you something when I come over."

He nodded, his voice a bit drowsy. "O-Okay,"

Minutes later, he had his phone switched off with him buried under his comforter. His Mother had asked if he was alright but he hadn't answered her and she had left him alone.

Yet, somehow, after an hour of waiting, he found himself walking out of his room and down the stairs. Marcos had learnt, perhaps from his childhood, to sense bad things. Just like when Mother and Papa were fighting about his gambling. Or when Abuela was thinking of his Uncle and would rather be alone. Or when Alex didn't need him.

The feeling had grown ever since he had woken up, and now, as he listened to Maria speak in Spanish, he knew why.

"... Got back late last night when he went out with that friend of his. She keeps pushing my boy to his limits. I never understand it,"

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