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Marcos Gomez woke up feeling cold. He had always been a light sleeper so the fact that when he reached out to his side of the bed and found it empty, woke him immediately.

His heart raced all of a sudden, but quickly slowed as he spotted her at his desk, back bent over a book as she read silently.

It wasn't like he didn't know about her compulsion to read every time, but he still founded it soothing for him. It was one of the moments when she didn't look happy or sad, she just looked stuck in a place, but at peace, sort of.

Marcos gathered the blankets around his body and stared at her, head rested on his shoulder. Minutes passed and neither of them moved until he heard her sigh and shut the book close, her hand quickly moving to her head as she rubbed it before she put her hand into her pocket and brought her pill bottle.

Marcos' eyes slanted as he watched her put six pills on her hand and was about to throw it in her mouth before he coughed.

She shook like she was just waking up from a trance, a smile immediately coming to her face as she folded her hand into a fist and smiled at him. "Eros. Baby. How long have you been awake?"

He didn't answer. Instead, he walked to her and took her fist in his hand, opening it slowly and sighing, "You aren't supposed to take six."

"It's six?" There was shock on her face as she chuckled. "I didn't exactly look at it. You know what happens when you tip over a bottle and you know, shit spills out and all."

He only stared at her.

"Baby, I didn't know." She didn't look angry, Marcos knew she could control herself around him well enough and he... He didn't even want to fight with her.

Instead, he just took out four pills and threw them into his bin, brought a glass of water for her and sat on her lap. "Okay, I'm going to watch you take it."

Alex nodded and threw the ones in her hand into her mouth before he tipped the glass to her mouth but she didn't open them.

Marcos sighed. "A, don't be stubborn."

"This pills are dissolving with every second and they're bitter as fuck." She replied. "So take a drink with your mouth and kiss me so this could go away."

"You are literally just making it worse by letting them stay longer, you know that right?" He asked, smiling, but he did as she asked, wrapping his hands around her neck and placing his lips on his.

As he opened his mouth to take in her tongue, the water poured into hers and she swallowed, her tongue now sucking hard on his.

She was being honest anyway, the pills were bitter, but they were easy to ignore as she sucked on his tongue and lips as if her life depended on it.

He pulled her closer to him, whining when he realized she was completely covered for skin to skin which she noticed as she chuckled and pulled away, rubbing her thumb on his red lips. "I am so tempted to tell my Doc that you're best the pill for me, but what if he discovers you're the cure to cancer? What if they take you away and like, put you under those shit experiments—."

He placed his hand on her mouth, a laugh leaving his lips. "You talk too much sometimes, mama."

Alex smiled at him and in that same split second, he felt her tongue swipe along his palm, causing him to withdraw, but he didn't wipe it away. Instead, he took it to his mouth and let his tongue move over the place she licked.

The girl made a disgusted face. "Ugh, I have like germs and stuff."

"That sounds deadly." Then he poked her neck. "It must be a good thing that I'm always here to cure you, isn't it?"

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