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Alex sighed and moved away from her boyfriend and walked back to her chair. "Alright, the big bad wolf is gone."

"The big— What?"

The cookie smelling boy was standing beside her special classroom, special not being an exclusively comforting term, while she stared at the new textbooks she brought.

Yes, they were relatively new but because of her habit, she kept rereading them. Alex hated it, but it was sort of comforting sometimes when she found herself studying her biology textbook all over again.

"Alex, —."

"Someone followed you, Eros." She flipped open the book. "And they stood there for a while, so they probably listened to what I said to you."

"You knew that?" She could hear him stand erect now. "How—?"

Alex bent her head backwards and watched him upside down as she said with a smile on her face, "You have this sugary smell on you every time, but this time, after you came, there was something stronger and it lingered there for a while. So therefore, someone was standing at my door."

She watched him raise his hand, the sleeve of the sweater covering most of it and put it on his lips. "And they— Heard?"

"That you called me Mommy?" Her grin widened. "Yes, yes they did."

Marcos' face turned red immediately, causing Alex to completely turn around and open her hands for him. "It's okay to be embarrassed. Just come to momma and she'd make you feel relaxed."

She watched his honey coloured eyes do that thing it usually did when he seemed to move into his little space but he suddenly shook his head, amusing Alex as he said, "No, I— I'm good. I just— Are you not upset?"

"Upset that you call me Mommy?"

His face reddened more. "No. That someone came here. I know how much you value your privacy, and—."

She tilted her head. "It means more punishments. Which we both know you secretly crave."

He crossed his legs, his hands now around his body as he tried taking in small breaths to control himself from her words as he said, "It's— It's different, this time. If you're genuinely mad at me—."

"Who says I'm not genuinely mad at you?" She was chuckling now, her heart fluttering at the sight of him trying to figure out what to say before she reached out for him, grabbing his shirt and pulling him into her laps.

He tensed for a second then relaxed, as she continued softly. "I can't be mad at you, but I will punish you when you go out of place."

"I— I know."

"And if you're worried that someone will find out about this —."

"I'm not worried." His answer was fast, making Alex look up at him as Marcos looked away, biting his lower lip. "I just —, Maybe finally people would know we're together then. You know."

Alex laughed this time. "Oh, we can't have that."

He looked at her. His face making a pout. "Why not?"

She looked away to save herself from going under his spell. "Well, to keep you safe, of course."

"From what?"  He sounded tired, not as annoyed as he was supposed to be. Not that she blamed him. Ever since he outed himself as a feminine male, he became everyone's favourite thing to want to touch and look at it and talk to.

Although, Alex could tell Marcos didn't notice it. The way they now stared at him. He was too busy staring at her in the hallway.

But it didn't matter. This was the right thing to do. For him. Him being single kept him in the likable aspect of high school, and it was going to keep remaining that way.

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