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Paris woke to the sound of his phone ringing.

At first, he was pissed. Of course he had every right to. Sleeping was something he cherished more than anything, but when he saw who it was, the emotions drove away to something more of surprise, causing him to sit up quickly.

Parker 😡.

Why was she calling him? She never called him. Barely ever replied his texts even. Did he do something? Had he? Subconsciously? He was such a dick that he wouldn't put it past himself.

Or was she... Was she calling to end things?

No, no, he wouldn't even take that shit. She had literally put him in a spot. He couldn't back out now.

But what if he didn't pick and got himself in trouble?

Fuck, dude, it's just a call! Stop being a sissy!

Before it could go off, he pressed the answer button and put the phone to his ear, coughing a little to make himself sound a bit tougher though it eventually came out in a small voice, "Hello?"

Paris' eyes widened. What the fuck was that?! That wasn't his voice!

He waited for her to speak, probably make a jab at how he sounded but all he heard was the soft sound of someone breathing at the end before she said, "Did I wake you?"

His ears perked. She sounded... Dull, not like she usually did and he wanted to ask what was wrong, but he also knew he wasn't qualified to so just said, "No. I was— Awake, just laying down."

He heard her sigh softly. "How do you feel?"


"Your ass. How does your ass feel?"

Paris could feel his cheeks heat up. How was he supposed to answer that?! She had never asked before! "I— Well, it's fine. Marcos helped me once with it so it doesn't hurt as much anymore. I'm totally fine actually. Like a sting but completely fine."

What was all that information for? Jesus. He even spoke about the weird kid.

"Marcos helped you out, then?"

Fuck. The boy was literally his competition and here he was, giving him brownie points with her. "Yeah,"

"I see. I was calling for your reward. Do you remember that?"



He did forget. "Ah, I— Well, —"

"Shower, eat up and drive to Marcos' place, I'm sure you know where he is, but if you don't, I'd send you directions. He knows what to do from there."

Wait, what?

Paris adjusted more on his bed. "I'm going to his house?"


The exasperation he was feeling flew out of his mouth quickly. "But I thought I'd spend the reward with you!"

"Are you that desperate for me to fuck you again?"

Why was she saying it like that? Like it was a bad thing. It really wasn't. It was her fault too. She had given him something addictive and kept dangling it to his face like he was a rabbit and it was a fucking carrot.

Her voice came out in a soft purr. "You haven't earned it, Kitten."

"What do I have to do, damnit? Tell me."

He hadn't meant to sound that way. He was just peeved. It was a normal reaction to anyone that kept being slapped with rejection as he was, but before he could apologize, she spoke, "There are times I like that tone, and other times, I do not. A slut should know it's place."

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