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Sasha Sloan - Too sad to cry

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Marcos didn't cry anymore, he knew better than doing that, neither did he try reaching out to her. All he just had to do, was not to think of her.

It was really simple. Just do things that did not remind him of a certain dark skinned female that haunted his dreams.

One, mostly being not sleeping.

Avoid sleep as much as possible, and if you find yourself weakening, sit in a bathtub filled with cold water until it went away.

Another one was returning back to your video game world where you were once King, and ruled as the best player that world had ever seen.

And lastly, never leave the room.

The room itself was intoxicating enough. She had left her marks everywhere. All the clothes he had were her doing. The jewellery. His hair.

He did not cut it, he couldn't bear the thought. All he did was return it back to his natural dull brown state that it had been before her.

Infact, Marcos looked like how he was before he met her currently.

A school avoider, hoodie and sweatpants wearer that spent all his time sitting in front of a computer, barely eating, not showered, and stealing snacks from the fridge when he was sure Mother and Abuela were no longer home.

It was a... Horrible life, considering when he had dreams and remembered how fairy-tale ish his life had been before now, but it gave him a feel of normalcy, somewhat.

And that was fine for him, until he woke up this morning and realized his computer wasn't where it was supposed to be.

At first he stared at it, a little lost before hurrying to the desk and touching it. Yes, it wasn't there but... But no one had entered his room. Ever since he shut himself out, no one did.

Abuela didn't because the stairs were a bit stressful for her and his Madre avoided situations when Marcos was sad and stayed away.

He had no idea how long he stared at the empty space, his thoughts blurring the longer he stood there before he walked out his room, rushing down the stairs. "Mom! Mom!"

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