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There were many thing that Paris couldn't swallow in, especially when it involved him being butt naked in a cold classroom with blue balls, bruised lips (because he had to use his fucking mouth to cut off the ropes!) And a hurt ego.

She rejected him.


Who in fuck's name does that to a Holmes?! It didn't even make sense, and it most definitely wasn't fair.

He didn't deserve that.

After he took his very, very depressed and raged filled ass out of her class then walked into his, pissed, annoyed at the whole world and ready to snap at anyone who tried talking to him but he managed to hold it on long enough and not blow up.

Until he realized that she hadn't been in the class since the first period.

"Does anyone have a question?"

"Actually, I do." Paris never talked in class unless he was making a joke or trying to get his buddies to do something relatively stupid or whatever it was jocks did in the classroom.

So the apparent glad surprise on his teacher's face wasn't surprising. Perhaps, she was feeling glad that one of her best students, (second best, because the first was not him) was deciding to turn a new leaf. "Mr Holmes. Go on."

"Where's Parker?"

A collective gasp ran out in class as everyone turned to look at him with shocked looks, his teacher included. Even Abel still managed to look shock even though he knew his friend had been acting weird lately.

Still, it made a good gossip headline for the underdog students of Wystwood High. Paris Holmes who usually picked his girlfriend and walked in with her at exactly eight am didn't that morning and was all of a sudden, mentioning the name that was Unmentionable!


"Ah, well," The lady suddenly began to fidget with her shirt as she tried to regain her composure. "It's none of your business where Alexandra Parker is, Mr Holmes —."

"But it is," He chuckled. "She's my classmate, you see? And as the —." King of this fucking dumbass school. "Good soul I am. I worry."

"I'm sure she's quite fine —."

"Or is this just one of your favourite pet things?" He continued. Paris could tell she was becoming more uncomfortable with every second and he knew, with a little more push, she'd tell him where Parker was. "Considering as she's the top student and she's allowed to leave the class every —."


Paris paused, every one in class turning to their teacher who had never even raised a voice at Cliff, a boy who continuously tried hitting on her even though he knew she was a lesbian, and married.

"Holmes, go straight to the Principal's office."

He blinked. "What?"

The lady put her hand on her hips and said with a smug look on her face as if she had wanted to say this to someone in a long time. "I'm sure I didn't stutter."

Paris looked completely stricken now. "You —."

"Don't make me throw this —" Her eyes scanned her office table and she raised something up, a wild look in her eyes. "Don't make me throw this stapler at you!"


Why the fuck she acting like that?

Still, Paris didn't waste any time taking his bag and heading out to the hall, bringing his phone out of his pocket and texting her for the millionth time.

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