Epilogue (Part Two)

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"And the Prince and Princess lived together happily ever after, the end," The little boy's Abuela said, her old eyes twinkling as she stared down at the boy on her laps, saying in spanish, "What do you think, my treasure?"

The boy, even at a tender age, was able to make people stop and stare at his beauty, though his Abuela was quite aware that he was unaware of it now, the feature would be too hard to ignore in the future. "But didn't the Prince get hurt?"


"Yes," He nodded, twisting his body around so he could stare at his Abuela, brown innocent eyes staring with worry and concern. "When he was fighting the dragons and trolls to save the Princess. I don't remember her saying she would help heal his wounds,"

She smiled kindly at the child, her voice soft as she said, "Not all Princesses care for that. All they care for is being free from their Castles."

A pout appeared on his face. "That's bad."

She chuckled now. "Well, when you're a Princess, you can try changing things."

The boy wrinkled his nose, and though he looked disgusted, deep down the idea pleased him. He always did like the idea of a ball gown but no one was supposed to know that. "Abuelaaaaa, I'm a boy. Boys don't wear dresses!"

"Well, not all Princesses are princesses." She stared now, face in mock seriousness. "One can only be a princess if they are kind, pure of heart and true."

An awed look came to his face. He hadn't known that! "So I can be a Princess too?!"

"Oh, my darling," The old woman's eyes shown with love as she said, "You can be anything you want to be. I'm sure of it."

Marcos Gomez's opened now, a gasp leaving his lips, his eyes falling on the male in front of him, his face blank even though his amber eyes showed concern. "Didn't sleep well?"

They were in Paris' private jet, something that upset the dark haired male when he found out it wasn't the first one the caramel skinned male to be in.

Marcos shook his head, a small sigh leaving the other male's lips as he patted the side of his seat, nudging his head. "Come here."

He obeyed, crawling over to him then immediately curled into his body with his head on his chest while Paris pulled the blanket on the male and asked softly, "Better?"

"Mhm," Marcos hummed, his eyes closed before adding with a soft exhale. "It's nice to know that there's someone I can do this to without worrying that they would think I'm making a move on them."

There was silence for a few seconds before he felt the male's hand slowly rake itself through his hair, petting him. "You've met only bad people then,"

Marcos heard himself chuckle, "You are bad people."sss

"I never denied that."

With the years that had passed, it had been easy for Marcos to lock away every memory of them, as he kept himself busy with work, wine and as much fun he could go away with.

It had been easier than he had imagined, climbing onto the stairs of popularity, as long as hEe had ignored the warnings of the small voice in his head and focused on the rage he felt at being abandoned, his transition didn't take out much from him.

The world was a vain place and beautiful people were always a step ahead, something Marcos had learnt to accept, but with every person that touched his skin, felt his lips on theirs, worshipped him, it always ended up with him feeling... Hollow.

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