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Kyndal Inskeep- Parachute


Are you up for a date, Sunshine?

It had been an hour since he agreed to going on a date with her. Since she told him to come over.

At first, Paris had been shocked at the question. She had gone radio silent for three days, and suddenly texted him, asking him out on a date?

A part of him felt that she wanted to compensate for not being there for him, but the other part knew she wouldn't do that.

Alex survived on pissing him off.

Still, he had gotten a little excited and told Elise, who had gotten more excited than him. "So that means you're together now?"

Paris had stared at his Mother, confusion on his face. "Together?"

She nodded. "I'm aware it's only sexual."

She had not been lying when she said those words. It was true. They were just... Pet and Owner with slight benefits. She hadn't asked him out, and he hadn't asked her either, but that was soon going to change.

When both of them were alone during their date, he would ask out, and he was sure she wouldn't say no.

Paris just hadn't banked on the idea Marcos was invited as well.

"Hermes?" Alex asked, staring at him with her head tilted. "You dressed,"

Dressed? He didn't. All he had on was a sky blue T shirt with a baby pink and blue knit sleeveless sweater and ash pants.

With his hair perfectly brushed and horn rimmed glasses. He wasn't dressed. "And you? What in God's name are you wearing?"

He could see it, but it pissed him to think of it too much. She had on a light brown sweatshirt with joggers and her hair packed, though some curly strands bounced over her face. "Clothes,"


Paris' head turned to the direction of her bathroom, watching a dresser Marcos walk out with a sad pout on his face. "I dunno..."

His voice was tinier now, his lips fuller, but that wasn't what caught Paris' attention. No. The male now had his hair in two pigtails, his white eyeliner outlining the area around his eyes with his light brown skin, and light red lipgloss on his lips.

He also had on a black choker with a black and white varsity jacket, white crop top that had his nipples peeking out and baggy jean trousers with black and white converses.

Hold on, was that his jacket?

"You look beautiful, little one," Alex stated, now walking to him before standing behind the male and saying to Paris, "Isn't he?"

He looked like a walking Succubus, and it was obvious he wasn't even trying. "Okay, so he's dressed and you aren't—" Then he paused, a look of recognition crossing his face. "You little—"

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