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I love you- Billie Eilish


Paris Holmes was many things, but he was never good with expressing his true feelings. There had never been a need for it. His Father, Sebastian, couldn't care less about him and his Mother, Elise, was too drugged to care as much as she would have wanted.

But there was one person he could never pretend to. She always knew what he was thinking. Always knew how to get his real emotions out.

And she couldn't remember any of that.

At the beginning, he agreed to whatever she wanted. Space? He could do that. He could do without her, for a while. That was fine. And sometimes, he found himself staring at Marcos, following him, but never speak to him. Or say anything.

He couldn't help the feeling that everything was his fault. That he always did things like this. Destroyed good things. Plus, he felt better being able to watch over him from afar.

Many times, Marcos had gotten too drunk at the parties he went to and he was the one always taking him home. Or helping him out with his tests. Or paying his tutor to make sure he was doing a good job with him.

It seemed better... Taking care of him that way. Facing him was harder. The thought that he couldn't make Marcos happy, that he couldn't fix it... Paris had no idea but what he did know, was that he was scared.

Yet, now, he wasn't sure how he would have stayed sane if it wasn't for the male.

Many times, Marcos came over to his house,always with cookies, and always tried to cheer him up, and other times, he'd force him and Elise out of the house, taking them to his own place so they had dinner with his own family.

Of course, he knew the male was hurting too. They both were. But being with him, felt like she was there with them. That she approved, somehow. That perhaps, one day, she'd remember them and be proud that they stuck together.

Still, he hated how everyone acted like she didn't exist. No one wanted to talk about her. Acting like she was never there. He knew there were only trying to protect his feelings, their feelings, but it didn't stop it from hurting.

And there was that one time when he nearly lost it.

They had been an impromptu assembly, something that ever happened so rarely, and Marcos and Paris sat together, which wasn't surprising, the male stayed with Ace and his new friends most of the time but always gravitated to him the other times.

As they sat, the Principal got on the stage, talking about things that he never really cared about and then suddenly mentioned a name that had his ears perking up.

"We usually never announce this because Miss Parker— Didn't like this," He said, adjusting his glasses uncomfortably as he stared at the paper on the podium. "But since she's gone —"

Paris stiffened at that word.

"We have a new student at the top spot," He said, looking up, pushing his glasses back. "Paris Holmes?"

At that moment, the whole hall stayed silent, Marcos freezing and Paris— Paris was staring, his eyes wide. When Principal Umar spotted him in the crowd, a smile showed on his face as he said, "There you are. You've wanted this for so long and it's your turn to shine. Come on up,"

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