Mr Laurence isn't a idiot????

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Juliet walks into school. Her heart is full of love for Romeo, but no one can know that yet. She sees her two best friends, Ophelia and Cordelia. Cordelia waves her over and Juliet walks over to her friends with a pep in her step.

"Tybalt told me that you and Paris might have a thing," Cordelia says with a smile. Ophelia is also smiling, but hers is more painful. Juliet gags at the thought.

"Oh my god, no, no not in a million years," Juliet swears. Ophelia lets out a sigh of relief.

"Jules," Tybalt says. He's with some of Juliet's other family members who are all whispering and staring at Juliet.

"It'll just be a second guys. I'll be right back," Juliet promises.

Juliet walks over to her cousin. "What's up Ty?" Juliet asks. Tybalt glances around like he's scared someone might hear.

"The guy you were talking to last night was Romeo Montague. The only son of our family's enemy," Tybalt says.

Juliet gasps, Tybalt is somehow not smart enough to get that it's fake even though he's an honor roll student. "I know, I know Juliet, it's hard to believe. But, don't worry. I know that you're a good kid. You were tricked by that evil Montague. You heard about that big fight last weekend?"

Juliet nods. "Yeah, what about it?"

Tybalt smirks and pats her shoulder. "We're gonna beat his ass for messing with you Jules. You're my favorite cousin."

Juliet clenches her fists. She can't ask him to stop, that'd give Romeo and her away. She also can't just let this happen! Cordelia is popular on both sides of this stupid feud. She can get her to warn him! That's it! Cordelia will help her.

Tybalt gets his friends and Juliet's other relatives to go away. Juliet runs over to Cordelia and Ophelia. "Cordy, we've been friends since like kindergarten right?"

Cordelia nods cautiously. "Probably before that...why?"

"I'm in love with Romeo Montague," Juliet whispers. A smile grows across Cordelia's face.

"That's scandalous! A Montague and a Capulet? If people find out your social life will be over!" Cordelia says. Ophelia walks over to her locker, she was never like Cordelia and Juliet. She never seemed interested in talking about boys. To be honest, Juliet didn't enjoy it either, but it made Cordelia happy.

"That's why I'm asking you to do something for me, my cousin Tybalt wants to hurt Romeo. You need to warn him Cordelia. Please, please help me," Juliet begs.

Cordelia takes a deep breath in. "Alright, I'll tell him."

Juliet smiles. "Thank you."

Romeo knocks on the door of Mr Laurence's classroom. "Come in Romeo."

Romeo nervously enters the classroom where Mr Laurence's is looking at different chemicals. "Mr Laurence's I need your he-"

"It's strange don't you think?" Mr Laurence interrupts, "These are powerful medicines but also can be deadly poisons."

"Yes, yes, very strange," Romeo says, rolling his eyes, "I need you to give me fake IDs-"

"What? That's a crime Romeo! You can't run away from Rosaline's death-"

"Rosaline? Oh right, the girl I used to date. No, I need to run away with Juliet!"

"Juliet?" Mr Laurence says, raising an eyebrow, "She's one of my best freshmen students. Why are you bothering her?"

"I'm not bothering her! We danced at the Capulet party last night and we fell in love!" Romeo said.

Mr Laurence laughs softly. "Love is something you have to work on Romeo, it can't happen in a single night," It seems like nothing is processing in Romeo's brain, "I'm not gonna give you fake IDs, but I'll talk to her after class today. I'll give her advice and she can make a decision. I'll help you tell your parents and maybe this will end the rivalry."

Romeo sighs defeatedly. "I need to get to AP Algebra, sir. I'll see you in Chem."

"Goodbye Romeo," Mr Laurence says smiling at the lovesick kid.

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