361 21 3

I watch the fathers with their little girls
And wonder what I did to deserve this
How could you hurt a little kid?
I can't forget, I can't forgive you
'Cause now I'm scared that everyone I love will leave me


"W-what" I stutter I mean no one every paid any attention to me let alone a boy
I feel like I'm being played with I'm taken back to eighth grade when a really popular guy that I had a crush on asked me out just for me weeks later to find out it was all a dare

I don't want to be apart of anyone's sick game. My plates are already full I don't want to overflow it

"No...why...I am not that interesting" I continue to stumble upon my words embarrassing myself

Iven chuckles "Why not Nora" He turns his whole body to me now facing me and I do the same not wanting to make myself more awkward than I already am

"Just because...Iven" I clear my throat becoming nervous cause he's looking right into my eyes
Eye contact makes me nervous when I am in intense situations like this

"Come on Nora you can give me a better answer than that" he smirks I let out a small sigh "Okay Fine we can be friends and get to know each other" He smiles his pearly whites and dimples on display

"Let's play 21 questions" he suggested and I agree what's a better way to get to know each other then this

"You first Iven" I smile and he returns it "Let's start off easy..." He stops thinking of a question to ask the soft wind blowing his hair a little

"What did you want to be when you were a kid," he asks and I pause to think of an answer "I wanted to be a model...a runway model" I laugh I have never told anyone my dreams

"Now...How about now do you still want to model?" He brings his hands up to his face brushing his hair out of the way due to the wind blowing it everywhere

"No, but ill like to do something related to fashion" I answer truthfully. He opens his mouth to say something I cut him off before he could "Enough about me it's my turn"

I think of a question "Hmmm...okay okay what's the weirdest dream you ever had" He laughs reminiscing the dream he had nights ago

"You won't see me differently if I tell you this" he laughs and I raise a brow now intrigued about this dream of his

"Okay so it went like this I was tied to a chair and was forced to watch Donald Trump and Barack Obama go at it" I bust out laughing "I'm not finished mid-way into their...interaction-" My laugh cuts him off again

'Interaction' really he couldn't use a better word "Gosh Women will you let me finish" he grunts out "I'm sorry you can continue" I sober up looking the other way

Cause if I look at his face I will continue laughing at the faces he's making in his dream

"Midway into their interaction some random woman walks in but she's half snake half woman and her snake tail goes up Donald's behind and it comes out of his ear then her tail gets longer" his tone disturbed and I can't help but bust out and laugh how do you live with yourself after that

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