202 16 19

'Cause baby, when I sleep, I dream of you
And when I'm awake, that's all I do
Think about every detail you have


"Why is she calling you?" Nora walked into the bathroom with my phone in hand "Who" my brow furrowed in confusion "Sofia" she begins to bite the inside of her cheek

She does that when she's overthinking something "It's nothing I swear" I try to grab my phone from her but instead she pulls away and answers it

She puts it on speaker and lays the phone on the counter "Iven can you come over please I need you" Sofia sobs through the phone and Nora furrows her brows hanging up the phone

"Why the fuck would she need you... especially at eleven at night" Nora's tone is calm but I knew she was seconds away from exploding if I say the wrong thing

I sigh into my hand "It's nothing" is the best I can give her because if I told her that I've been helping Sofia these past three weeks because she's going through a hard time she'll overreact and make it something it's not

I walked out of the bathroom to search for my things "What are you doing" she let out a laugh in disbelief "I'll be back" Once I found everything I made my way to the door to leave but she slams the door shut "No" she shook her head no

"No, you're not, I'm sick of you dismissing the conversation before I'm done"

"Answer my question Iven, why does she 'need you' so bad that it has her sobbing into your phone" She makes quotations with her fingers "She's going through a hard time and I've been helping her" I honestly blurt out

"How long?" she raises her brow and takes a step back "Three weeks"

"And you didn't think to tell me, communicate, you know give me the heads up that you will be spending time with your ex all through the night" she frowns

"It's not like we're doing anything" I couldn't help but roll my eyes "I don't care. I don't feel comfortable with you being ALONE with her" She emphasizes 'alone'

"I'm just trying to be nice Nora why can't you
stop overreacting" She squints and takes in a harsh breath

"WHAT!!! I'm overreacting because I don't feel comfortable with you being around your ex THAT CLEARLY doesn't like me and wants you back" she has a good point but we're not doing anything

I open my mouth to respond but she cut me off "You threw a huge fit when I was ASSIGNED to help Darion but I'm overreacting"

"I am just trying to help her why can't you just trust me for once" I groan out in frustration "I do trust you it's just her I don't trust" she puffs out

"If you trust me you wouldn't be reacting the way you are right now" She sighs in disbelief

"Who the fuck wouldn't react like that you're literally hanging out with a girl that you ONCED DATED and a girl WHO DOESNT LIKE ME and you expect me to be okay with that" She raises her voice and tears start to dwell in her eyes

"Don't you dare start crying" I flinch at my own words after I said them "I hate when I'm trying to explain my feelings to you and you just aren't listening to what I have to say it gets frustrating" her voice quivers as she speaks

"I am listening-" She cuts me off "No, your not. You aren't listening to me you're just getting annoyed" This woman sometimes confuses me

"Nora, can you just put your feelings aside for ONE DAY Sofia is depressed and I'm trying to help I have to be there for her" I look up sighing at the ceiling

"She isn't your responsibility anymore and you don't HAVE to do anything if she wants someone to talk why don't she go cry to Lily her best-friend, not my boyfriend"

"Stop being selfish I'm just being nice and trying to help" I snap

"See you aren't listening" she lets out a sad and frustrated grunt "I heard enough I am done I'll see you later" She looks at me dumbfounded but instead of stopping me she lets me go


"I'm not being dramatic....right?" I ask the girls "No he's the asshole for picking up her calls and not telling you that they've been talking let alone spending some nights with her" Nina reassured me

"Oliver is also being an asshole" Clair walks out of the closet "Pink or brown" She holds two identical shirts up

"Brown" Nina and I answer in unison "How about Jasper" I turn to Nina "Yeah, is Jasper being an asshole as well?" Clair asks and Nina shakes her head no

"Must be a twin thing then" Nina sighs into a pillow "Wanna go spy on Darion" Clair suggested and since we had nothing to do we all agreed

"Have you seen Darions girlfriend she's so cute" Nina says after Clair walked out of the closet finally dressed "OMG he finally asked her out" A few weeks ago Darion was telling me about a girl he found a liking to and I told him to shoot his shot and it looks like he did

I, Myself never seen the girl but I would like to meet her. This man would talk my ears off about her before they were even dating and I'm happy he made the move

"She also happens to be Clair's sister" Nina wriggles her brows and I laugh "You have a sister," I ask in shock "Yeah" she Nonchalantly answered "And I've never met her whattttt"

"I thought you knew I had a sister it's the girl you said I'm the total opposite of she usually wears a lot of dark colors while I'm all colorful, your words not mine" She smiles and applies her lip gloss

It finally clicks "Ohhhhh your sister is Mia" She nods yes "They look so much alike how did you not know" Nina laughs "I guess I never focused on her face" I answered truthfully

We made conversation while we walk out of our cabin but the conversation stopped and I look in the direction the girls were so focused on

My stomach drops, Why is he hugging her, and why the hell does he looks so cozy with her in his arms
I can't help but feel a strong wave of jealousy wash over me and it makes me nauseous

"Iven what the hell" Nina yells out her voice full of anger, he pulls away from Sofia and his gaze finds me

I feel like I'm being played with and it ruined my whole mood



I vote we jump Iven

Yes ☑️
No 🚫


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