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I know their beauty's not my lack
But it feels like that weight is on my back
And I can't let it go
Co-comparison is killing me slowly
I think, I think too much
'Bout kids who don't know me
I'm so sick of myself


She's all over him and he's letting her. It's killing me it feels like my heart is being ripped into a million of pieces.

Sofia goddam Carter. Lily's best friend who went missing last year but been found a few days ago instead of recovering she's here

She's beautiful. Stunningly beautiful. She has long black hair a body of a supermodel and the height. Beautiful silk black hair hazel eyes five eight and she looks sweet I mean...

I haven't talked to Iven since he rudely left my cabin two days ago and its killing me worser than I thought

He doesn't look bothered by it and that's what kills me more he's been so indulged with that Sofia girl and I still don't know what she is to him

I can't take it no more cause I know I'm gonna cry and I don't want to embarrass myself. I hate myself for being so sensitive a fucking crybaby no wonder my own father didn't want to be around me

I grab my tray of food and throw it away my appetite lost I walk out of the cafeteria

My tears threatened to fall so I hurriedly walk to my cabin to lock myself into my room all day. Thank God today is our free day we can do whatever we like on our free days

Me and Iven planned to go into town and walk around the library then to go feed ducks...but looks like plans canceled

I shower and change into my mothers white shirt that still smells like her and blue pajama shorts

I am my mother's daughter after all so I wait up for Iven with a little hope that he might actually show up and remember our little date today if you can even call it that

A few hours passed so I gave up now growing annoyed scratch that I am angry

He throws a fucking fit because I talked to a guy that I was assigned to show around campus but he can ignore me for some new girl

I mean yes she went missing but she was found and she seems okay since she's here

Everyday I am reminded that men will still be men no matter how much interest he shows in you

I hear a knock on my window I already know who it is

I walk to my window the beautiful sunset displaying it's beautiful colors and then there is Iven standing there

I unlock my window and open it so he can climb inside

"What the hell do you want" my voice filled with so much venom "calm down Nora" he's so calm and it's pissing me off

How can he be so calm while I'm over here stressing over his stupid actions "Calm down???" He can't be serious

"Yes Nora, Calm down and stop being so bitchy" my heart drops his words stabbing me deep into my chest

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