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It's all me in my head
I'm the one who burned us down
But it's not what I meant
Sorry that I hurt you
I don't wanna do, I don't wanna do this to you
I don't wanna lose, I don't wanna lose this with you
I need to say, hey
It's all me, just don't go
Meet me in the afterglow


I can't stand to see her all cuddled up with the new boy David or what ever his name is. They are at the lake and she's helping him clean his kayak in the rain why can't he ask Lily or whoever he is grouped with

If I remember his group leader is Lily why don't he hang out with her this past week she has been giving this new guy all her attention its like she has forgotten about me and I hate the way it makes me feel

How can a women have me so wrapped around her finger in just a month of seeing her again after years of not seeing her she makes me crazy and she don't even know it

I can't take it any more so I walk up to her and the new boy "Nora can I talk to you" I have to be a little loud cause the rain is getting harder and louder

she stops what she's doing looks at Darion then at me she sighs "Yeah okay make it quick" I take her hand in mine but she pulls away we walk to somewhere private where no one around can hear or see

"What do you want" Her tone harsh "What's up with you and the new boy" she looks at me confused "Who Darion" she questions "Yeah him you've been ignoring me to hang out with him it's like I don't exist to you anymore" she looks puzzled

"What the hell are you talking about" I can see her getting annoyed I open my mouth to say something "Don't try to flip it you are the one whos ignoring me since last week and when I tried to talk to you you ignor-" I cut her off

"Are you forgetting you were with him the whole day" I put my two cent in which causes her to roll her eyes "You literally left my bed that morning without saying anything and this past week you would just walk past me so like I said don't try to flip the narrative" the rain turns into loud thunder

"I am not trying to change the Narrative Nora-" she cuts me off "Yes you are" I roll my eyes running my hands through my hair "I am not- "

"But you are" we go back in forth until she gets tired of it "Fine have it your way I don't want you coming over tonight" my eye twitches "Huh?" I don't think I heard her right "You heard me" she walks to her cabin and I am left dumbfounded


She was serious its been a week and she has not let me back into her cabin she wont even talk to me I have been miserable

Its only been a week but it feels like years I don't know what to do she won't give me a second of her time

Its three in the morning and I can't fall asleep its hard without her in my arms the frustration I'm feeling leaving me in cold sweat

I get up grabbing my white shirt and grey sweats I walk out of the cabin making my way to the right where the women cabins are located

I walk by each cabin until I get to Nora's I walk to her room to knock on her window she doesn't seem to be in there so I walk to the front and when I knock the door opens

who the hell doesn't lock their door at three in the morning I push the door open walking in then making sure I lock it

The Dim light seems to be on in the kitchen so I walk in and lean on the wall and watch Nora

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