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Baby, I know places we won't be found and
They'll be chasing their tails trying to track us down
'Cause I, I know places we can hide
I know places




I reached over and grabbed an apple slice off of Nora's bowl and plopped it into my mouth and she glared at me

I reached over again to grab another slice and she swats my hand away and mumbled "Hands off" as she squinted her eyes and pulled her bowl closer to her chest

I put my hands up surrendering "Its all yours" I couldn't help but let out a small laugh she can be territorial about her food and I respect that "Before we meet up with the rest of the crew I want to show you something" she looked up from her plate of pancakes and up at me "What is it that you want to show me" she smiled and cut up her pancake and put it into her mouth "Its close to here"

I waited for her to finish her meal before calling the waiter and I paid for our food we then took our stuff and left. I took her hand in mine and we made our way out of the door of the diner

She's wearing a white 'I heart you' Marilyn Monroe shirt with a black flared up denim skirt. We walked a few blocks away from the diner before we reached our destination. My warehouse. "Where do you even find this"

"This warehouse belonged to an old friend of mine that sadly passed away" I answer her honestly "If you don't mind me asking, How did he or she die?" We finally walk inside of the warehouse after we've or should I say Nora been staring at it like it was the best thing ever

"I honestly want to know too. Zion went missing a few years ago. The private investigators found his belongings including his right pinky finger so my family assumed that he was dead. He wasn't found though" She takes a moment to take that all in "Were yall close" when she asked that I smiled

"I mean I wouldn't give my million dollar warehouse to just anyone especially not to someone i'm not close to" we shared a small laugh after my sarcastic remark "Right"

"I come here when I am stressed out" She nods looking around the big warehouse "How many girls have you brought here" She blurted out "Too many to count on just two hands and two feet" I answered sarcastically while counting my fingers

She playfully punched my shoulder "You wound me" we laughed until she stopped in her tracks "Where did you even find the time to paint that" Nora gasps and points to a painting I made of her. If only she knew I painted this years ago.

That makes me sound like a stalker.

"When you stopped talking to me for a few days after Sofia came" I quickly come up with a lie. What she doesn't know wont hurt "Who stopped talking to who?" She raised her brow "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. When I supposedly started ignoring you"

"I wasn't trying to ignore you back then. I just had Sofia following me around like a lost puppy and she was attached to me like a leech and I didn't want to be around you since I knew she would follow me and say mean and unnecessary things" I explained "I can handle myself"

"I know you can" I smiled and watched her closely as she focused on the portrait of herself

I don't think she even heard a word I said since she's too busy staring at her self portrait I made of her. If she loves them that much I'll make them forever until the day I die. As long it makes my girl this happy. Ill do anything for her

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