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High all the time
High all the time
I wanna be high all the time
Would you come with me?


Nora is in the water laughing with the new boy Darion the yellow sun reflecting over her she's beautiful and I'm happy I met her 

She makes me so happy and I hope I do the same for her I love seeing her happy...not at the moment though

I don't know why she's laughing he can't be that funny I can't help but roll my eyes at them enjoying themselves. Yes I am salty and what about it  

I could just throw my shoes at his stupid face for making my girl laugh 

I feel a pair of eyes burn holes at the back of my head so I turn around and my eyes meet with no other than Sofia Carson 

Not THEE Sofia Carson...the other evil demon of an ex girlfriend...I don't even know how I dated that girl. I can't help but shiver and cringe at the thought 

we all make mistakes...and that's a mistake I wont ever

"Do you need something or are you going to continue staring" I stare right back at her "What do you even see in her" She finally speaks up and the only thing that comes out of her mouth is shit pure shit. Shit that I don't wanna hear 

"Everything that I never saw in you" I snapped already done with her being in my presence "I will tell her everything" she then turns around and I am left confused on what she's going to try to tell Nora 

What lie is she going to come up with now 

That girl can be very manipulative when she doesn't get what she wants her being here wasn't what I wanted because wherever she goes drama follows 

"Tell her what" instead of answering me she begins to walk away and I hurry up to my feet and follow behind her "Sofia" I called out her name 

She turns around "Break up with her or I will ruin her" her eyes wide and angry as she spits threatening words 

"No" She squints her eyes then takes a threatening step forward not expecting me to say no "What do you mean no" she scoffs and slightly smiles "Fine then I'll do it for you" and with that she takes another step forward and grabs my face bringing me into a kiss not long enough for her to deepen it but long enough for Nora to see

Nora walks pass me bumping into my shoulder hard and Darion looks at me with a you messed up look 

I look back at Sofia with a glare and she only smiles blowing me a kiss and walks away I can just strangle that stupid girl 

I chase Nora "Wait" I shout from behind her but she begins to walk even faster she gets to her dorm and slams the door in my face before I can even get to the wooden steps

I jog around the dorm finding her room and I climbed the unlocked window when my feet hit the floor she opens the door and then she slams it shut locking it when she sees me 

"Why" is all she says tears threatening to spill from her pretty brown eyes "I swear to you I didn't kiss her" I pleaded for her to believe me "Oh so i'm blind" she rolls her eyes and crosses her arms 

"No you aren't blind all I'm trying to say-" She cuts me off "Get to the damn point" she wipes a lone tear that had escaped "She kissed me" she sighs a big sigh as if she doesn't believe "I swear to you when she saw you coming to me she just kissed me" 

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