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'Cause you're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in then you're out
You're up then you're down
You're wrong when it's right
It's black and it's white
We fight, we break up
We kiss, we make up


A new guy has entered the camp yesterday he's really cute and sweet he has dreads that covers his dark brown eyes his name is Darion and he is around the same height as Iven

Everyone is somewhere doing whatever while I was put on duty to help Darion get around "So this is the boys cabin on the left and the girls is on the right" he nods as I explain to him the curfew

"Sammy the women who introduced you to me wanted me to tell you that you are on Lily's team basically everyone is put in a group of six people three girls three guys and we do everything together" he listens and we walk side by side

"What does lily looks like" he looks up from the ground "she's a short a blonde girl you'll know who lily is without knowing her she's very outgoing and loud so the attention is on her" he nods not really saying anything he seems shy

After I show him all around the camp ground we walk to the beach where my group of friends are they seem to be having fun and then there's Iven who seems miserable

Once he spots me he smiles but that quickly changes one he sees Darion "Hey" I grab the attention of my friends "This is Darion he's new here and I've been his guide so that's why I couldn't come here earlier sorry about that" everyone is smiling except Iven whos glaring at Darion but Darion doesn't seem phased he playfully glares back

I grab Darion's attention to introduce him to my friends I go around introducing him to them "This is Nina and Clair my roommates" they smile waving at him he waves back "This is Jasper, Oliver and Iven" The guys shake his hand but when he gets to Iven, Iven only stares at his extended hand ignoring it "I'm Iven" he says and walks away

What's his problem?

I say my goodbyes to the group and follow Iven to his cabin he walks inside of the cabin but before I can enter he slams the door in my face and locks the door

is he serious "Iven open the door" I knock and knock but he never answers about thirty minutes later he walks out "What was that about" I ask him but he walks by me ignoring me "Hello Iven" he continues walking so I give up and walk back to the group

They are laughing and joking around as well is Darion he seems comfortable at least he's making friends

I didn't do anything so I am confused on why he is acting so weird towards me was it the kiss come on he can't be mad about that he asked me to kiss him

He was okay this morning we were in my room reading earlier and I don't recall doing or saying anything wrong we read then slept then left for breakfast then I was called by Sammy to help Darion get around here

You know what I don't care I am not gonna waste my time stressing cause he's having a tantrum "Is something wrong" I look up at Nina "No why" I asked "Well you've been picking your lip skin for the pass five minutes" I unlatch my teeth from my lip and smile at her "I'm good just tired" she nods and I get up going to my cabin for a very needed nap

After a four hour nap I decide to walk around the beach its seven so the sun will be setting in a few minutes I hurry to the beach with a bowl of chocolate ice cream and a small blue blanket the sun started setting the peach pink and light purple beautifully paint the sky

I hear footsteps against the sand I turn around to see Darion walking to me "The names Nora" he asks and I nod he sits beside me "Your friend seems to not like me" he smiles and I'm left confused for a second he seemed to be getting along with them just fine

"Oh Iven" I ask and he nods his head yes "He's not usually like that I think he's just having a bad day he is really sweet" I defend "Yeah he's super sweet" Darion drags out sarcastically which causes me to roll my eyes at him "Him having a bad day isn't a excuse to be an asshole you know" Darion saying this makes me annoyed but he has a point

"Whatever" he sighs "You know I'm right" we talk for the rest of the night before he gets tired and decide to go to his cabin and I do the same

I make my bed and grab some clothes for after my shower I grab a red champagne colored silk pajama dress

I shower and do my night routine then walk out of the bathroom in just my towel only to be surprised to see someone on my bed

"What the hell you scared me" Iven looks up from the book he was reading his eyes scan over my body "My eyes are up here and can you get up off my clothes" I point to the clothes he's sitting on he nods picking up my silk dress and black thong

He twirls my underwear smiling which cause my face to heat up "what's this" he asks "nothing" I go to grab my clothes but he pulls away causing me to fall on top of him

"I like you like this on top of me and all" his eyes dilate and he grins "shut up" I mumble trying to get up but he has a firm grip on my waist

"Give me a minute" he adjust him self before letting me get up to get dressed in the bathroom

Once I am dressed I count to thirty, two times before walking out of the bathroom

Iven is in my bed asleep he rarely sleeps at his cabin anymore not that I am complaining I climb into bed shutting the light on the night stand by my bed

He pulls me closer "goodnight" I say to him but he's asleep so I doubt he heard it we cuddle as I drift off to sleep

When I wake up he's no where to be seen I can't help but feel some type of way he was acting weird yesterday but then again we cuddled all night and he slept over so I thought he was over whatever he was mad about



I am nervous about writing smut 😭


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