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Oh no, I think I'm catching feelings andI don't know if this is empathy I feelJust hold onRemember why you said this was the last time?
So I guess it's...Let die to let live


We are going hiking today, I hate hiking I've never been but that doesn't mean I can't hate it. I am wearing black biker shorts and a sports bra

I grab my bag and the list of things I need. Two extra bottles of water Check. Ice water Check. Sunscreen Check. First aid kit check. Mosquito bug spray check. Map check. Hiking boots check. Food to snack on check.

Iven packed both me and his bags and I check off the list of things our instructor told us we needed I yawn tired cause we had to wake up very early today usually we wake up around seven but today we had to be awake at five and ready by six

I only had about an hour of sleep. It is six so everyone in the dorm walked into the living room tired as ever waiting for our instructor to come in

Five minutes go by then ten then twenty when it hits thirty minutes I walked to the couch and laid my head on Iven's shoulder letting sleep take over my body and consume me but before I can enjoy a few minutes of rest she walks in

"Sorry guys I didn't mean to be late something came up but I'm here now and that's all that matters" my lashes flutters open and I groan

I hate hiking. I hate mornings. I hate morning people. Oh and I hate hiking. "Wake up" she yells excitingly trying to cheer us up but everyone is tired and annoyed

She's young probably a year or two older than everyone either in her early twenties or nineteen
She is wearing brown shorts and a white tank top with brown timberland boots

I grab my bookbag and put it over my shoulders we walk out of the door its sixty seven degrees out cold but then again its six in the morning...its summer it shouldn't be cold in the mornings

"We are gonna be hiking all today so wake up this is just the beginning but before we hike you are gonna need the most important thing of your day. Breakfast its gonna wake you up" I stare at the lady that goes by the name Lia as she rambles on about whatever but all I heard was breakfast

"Follow me" She says and all six of us follow her lead she finds us a table to eat at I get my usual a bowl of fruits and pancakes we eat in silence because its too early in the morning to be talking

I'm a hypocrite. I talk around this time in the morning but only when I wake myself up not when I am forced to be awake to go hiking I would love to be in the arms of Iven asleep in my cozy bed

We don't always get what we want. After breakfast we were given our bus numbers the six of us Iven, Nina, Oliver, Clair, Jasper and me get on bus one twenty one I am the first one on the bus so I happily make my way to the back of the bus

The best seats are always in the back I sit down placing my bag on the floor and Iven does the same  I lay my head on his shoulder again

Thank god the hiking site is about two hours away so I take it to my advantage to sleep but I am cold "Did you bring the blanket ' I ask Iven he tilts his head and hums nodding his head yes then going into his bag taking out a fluffy blanket big enough to cover us both

I thank him turning my position so my head is now laying on the window "did I do something" he asks out of nowhere leaving me confused "No why?"

"You were just laying on me now you moved away" I roll my eyes he's so dramatic "Iven I am trying to sleep I am not mad at you I'm just tired" I reassure him

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