Chapter Six: Forks High School Drama

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Last night I was up looking for spells to help them eat human food and I find one and I told Stefen to help me I told Carlisle to tell everyone that I had a surprise for them so before I and Sophie went to get our clothes we did the spells on the blood and we went downstairs and met everyone they were all sitting on the sofa and I said: " I have a treat for everyone I find a spell in one of my grandmother spell books to help you eat and sleep the spell needs the blood of a nightwalker vampire to make you into a nightwalker vampire and I did it I am not trying to change you I just know most of you have a problem with the bloodlust a vampire gets and you don't sleep so I just wanted to help if you eat food it can help with the bloodlust and the smell won't come off so strong." They looked at me and cheered and Carlisle hugged me and said: " We are not mad at all we know you are just trying to help and you helped us more than you know I can't wait to go to sleep next to you." As they get the blood from Stefen Emment looks at me and says " I can't wait to eat food and sleep again thank you so much." I look at them as they drink it and I hear their stomachs growl and I look at them and say" Now who wants a Doster breakfast yall can come to my house and eat there I call and told my mom this morning she probable already started cooking." As they get ready for school and Carlisle gets ready for work we take a shower together and he puts hickeys all over my body I start to moan and before he could put his fingers in my pussy I look at him and say " They may eat and sleep now but they still have vampire hearing so stop and there probable ready to eat we can go to the waterfall later and I will find a nonhearing spell and put it on this room so they can't hear us but we can hear them." He looks at me and licks the hickeys on my neck and we get out of the shower I put his shirt in and my PJ bottoms  we go downstairs and we all get in the car when we get to my house sure thing mama is in the kitchen cooking for everyone as they start eating they all can't stop Emment says " Its been so long I forgot what food tastes like, I love it." Me and Sophie and Jeremy go to our rooms to get dressed and I wear this and so does Sophie we decided on the  first day of school we would match 

" Me and Sophie and Jeremy go to our rooms to get dressed and I wear this and so does Sophie we decided on the  first day of school we would match 

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When we get done I put makeup on my neck to cover up the hickeys and uncover one so people can see that I have it and boys won't talk to me my mom sees the hickey she looks at me and says " Keyvon Nicole Doster is that a hickey I thought nothing happened." I looked at her and say " Mom didn't anything happen I ask him to give me a hickey so the boys at the school wouldn't talk to me." She looks at me and says " I'm not mad at all if something did happen you will be eighteen in two months so I don't mind." I looked at her I kiss Carlisle and I look and say " Now let's go to school so I come back home so me, mom, Sophie, Alice, Rosalie, and Esme can have a girl's day." Rosalie looked at me and said, " Why if you want to have a day with Carlisle then you can we don't need him around all the time." I looked at her and said, " No I and Carlisle talked about this last night before we went to sleep and we thought that maybe we all need to get to know each other so Carlisle and the boys will have a guys' day and we will have a girls day I planned everything for today and Saturday we are all going to church Sunday if you want to come you can." They all looked at me and Alice smiled and said " Oh what did you have planned for today after school." I looked at her and said, " Well I was thinking that we could go shopping and then we could get our nails done and then we could all meet up for dinner it's this great soul food place in Port Angels you are going to love soul food and when you go crazy when eating they won't say anything because they will think it's your first time eating soul food." Edward looks at me and says " Then people will know we never ate before." I looked at Edward and me and Stefen laughed when I calm down I say " Edward they will think it's your first time eating soul food not because you are a vampire it will be because you are white." Edward looks at me like I'm crazy and I say " Not many white people know about soul food so if you eat like crazy they will think it's your first time eating it." He looks at me and nods his head I see the time it's 7:29 I say " Oh My God we need to go I don't want to be late on my first day of school." As I was about to get in the car with Emmett and Rosalie Carlisle comes up to me and says " Where do you think you're going I am taking you to school." I laugh and say " You just want those boys at Forks to know I am dating you." He looks at me and laughs and says " You know me so well don't you." Before I could laugh Carlisle kisses me and we go while Sophie and Jeremy go with Emmett and Rosalie as were driving to the school I hear this song on the radio

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