Chapter Thirty-Seven: Hell Has Arrived

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We walk up in the snow Hope is holding the twins and Alice goes up to Aro and she did this

Alice looks back and I said: " Sam Now." He and three other wolves get in front of us and I open the portal I looked at Hope and said: " Make sure they remember us." She looked at her mother and nodded and goes inside I see Sophie has them and is crying Jake takes off with Renesmee and Aro sent a guard to get them and one here I grab his head a rip it off I looked to see Alice kicking Aro she tries to run but they get her I looked at Alice I was about to move but she shook her head no they were taking our daughter before I know it Carlisle said: " Let her go." HE goes to get her and as I was about to follow him Klaus grabs me as Carlisle jumped in the air Aro did to the next thing I know I see Carlisle head in Aro's head as he smiles Me and Esme screamed I lose the love of my life again and my heart couldn't take it anymore and this happened 

" HE goes to get her and as I was about to follow him Klaus grabs me as Carlisle jumped in the air Aro did to the next thing I know I see Carlisle head in Aro's head as he smiles Me and Esme screamed I lose the love of my life again and my heart c...

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I break the earth and take pieces of it into my magic I screamed and we all run I throw the pieces at him but they moved out the way I started ripping people's heads off I try to get to Aro but people keep stopping me and Aro said: " Kepp her alive she is to go with us." Kalus looked at me and said: " Edward needs help." I run to him and I rip their heads off and I turn into a wolf and I bite a few of them every since I became a tribrid my venom can kill in seconds I turn back a few grauds come after me but I move my hand and rip off their heads I try to get to Aro but Benjiman grabs me and I see we are losing we looked at each other and nodded and we punch the ground and it breaks I looked in the back where he head so more people and I take off my necklace and I move my hand and burn them he looked at me and I said: " I'm coming for you, your head is mine." He looked at me and smiled I see Carlisle's head and I let it out I as I walk the ground sets on fire and Hayley said: " No Keyvon that much magic will kill you stop." I looked at her as three of them come to me and as they touch me they get set on fire I looked at Hayley and said: " My daughters are safe I'm going to be with Carlisle." She tries to run to me but Kalus stops her I see Aro running to Edward and I and Bella run to Aro and he throws Bella and I said: " We need to work together to kill him." Bella looked at me and said: " Your nose that's too much blood." Before she could finish her sentence I said: " It doesn't matter you two keep him busy." They nodded and fight Aro I remember the spell in the book as I said it Emmett tried to room to me but Klaus said: " We need to go now."  I run and bite Aro and he bent down in pain and Bella grabbed his head and kill him I looked at him as she was about to set his body on fire and I said: " Leave now go." They run off the field and I looked up and said: " I promise I will be there soon." And I do the spell and Fire comes out of my body and I burn everything As the fire comes out I started to feel weaker to the point I could keep going and my body turned into dust and was now about of the burned as on the battlefield." 

Alice Pov 

I show him and he looked shocked and let go of my hand and looked at Keyvon, Bella, and Edward I looked at him and said: " Now you know that's your future unless you decide on another fate." He looked at Alice and said: " I want to talk to Edward." I looked at Edward and Bella tried to make her shield go farther but she couldn't he grabs Edward's hand and as he let go he said: " Can I meet the children." I looked at Keyvon and Bella and they nodded and Keyvon, Sam, Jake, Carlisle, Bella, and the girls come up to us." Aro listens to their heartbeats and said: "  They have a heartbeat." Keyvon looked at them and said: "They are, half human- half vampire." Marcus looked at Keyvon and said: " She is still human." She looked at him and showed her fangs and eyes and she said: " I would never be a cold one for you to control." Aro looked at Bella and then Keyvon and said: " Immortal suits you both." He looked at the twins and said: " They are something else what are they." Keyvon looked at them and said: " They are tribrid's like their mother."  Aro looked at Keyvon and said: " What is that." Keyvon looked at him and said: " They are half witch half werewolf half vampire." Caius looked at Aro and said: " We still need to fight they could not hide from the human world." And Edward said: " What if we had proof that all the girls could stay hidden." As they prove Renesmee can live in the human world Marcus said: " What about the other girls." Hope comes out and said: " I'm a tribrid and I am ten years old I go to school and everything and no one knows what I am." Aro looked at them and said: "There is no danger here we will not fight today." They leave and we all go back to the house as Edward, Bella, Renesmee, and Jake were talking I had a vision of them being happy and Edward read my mind. 

Keyvon Pov 

We were talking with Jasper's friends and I see the girls they run to me and said: " We love you, mom." I looked at them to see us playing in the flowers in the field and Carlisle glowing and I used magic to make some flowers bloom I looked at Alice and she smiled and I said: " I love you so much." My mom and dad hugged me and said: " I am so happy you're ok I'm going to start dinner." I nodded as she and dad go into the kitchen I looked at the girls and said: " I love you so much." I kissed their heads and Rosalie and Bella get them ready for dinner Sophie looked at me and said: " Come on Mrs. Cullen we need to talk." We go to the flower field and she said: " The question I want to ask is after everything we have been through would you change anything." I looked at her and said: " No I wouldn't because if I did I would have never gotten my girls." She looked at me and said: " I'm pregnant." I looked at her and hugged her and said: " I know why you think I never let you go on the battlefield." She smiled and we go back to the house for dinner and which was one of my favorites after dinner Carlisle said: " Esme said she and Stefan were going to start a school for supernatural kids." I looked at him and said: " I would love to see that." He kissed me and said: " I love you and I wouldn't change anything for the world." I looked at him and said: " I love you too, My king, and I could never be happier." He kissed me and said: " Is that a challenge." I looked at him and said: " Yes it is let's see what you got." He laughed as we watch the sunset. 


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