Chapter Seventeen: One Day at a Time

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It has been six months we are going to graduate soon my pack and Sam's pack have been working together they said this vampire keeps coming onto their land they don't make jokes about vampires in front of me because they know how I can get Carlisle went to see Esme and Stefen for a little bit so I have been with the wolves trying to keep myself busy and I have been helping at the company a lot when I am busy I don't think about him that much a few days ago Bella and Jacob started hanging out I tried to warn him but he did not listen after a little while he turned into a wolf and could not see Bella again Jacob keep coming to me asking me to take Sam's spot in the pack I tell him no because I have my own pack to think about and he could have taken Sam's spot but he didn't so he was going to have to deal with it himself he was mad he couldn't talk to Bella so they had to go get him I, Sophie, Jeremy just stayed with Emily as I am helping Emily cook she says " What is it like imprinting on a vampire." I looked at her and said: " Not that hard I had a big happy family with the man I love I was happy into Bella came into the picture she was mad that Carlisle wanted to marry me so she cut her finger making Jasper lose control and he tried to kill her but Carlisle and Emmett held him back so they had to leave for a little while the first night he left it hurt like I wanted to rip my heart out but he came back that night because he felt my pain now I just keep busy so I don't think about him too much." She looks at me and says " Did he ever go crazy when you cut yourself." I looked at her and said: " No when I cut my finger one time he was fine the difference between me and Bella is that I am Carlisle's mate and she is Edward's blood singer that's all." Just then Bella walks in with Jared I looked at and he said: Don't look at me I didn't tell her." She looked at me and said: " You know and you didn't tell me again how did you find out before me." I looked at her and said: " Bella our packs are together I am Sam's my cousin I and Alpha of the Doster pack and he is Alpha of the La Push pack and I know I became a wolf at sixteen." She looked at me and said: " I know you still talk to Carlisle where is he." I looked at her and said: " I don't talk to Carlisle and I thought your mate was Edward." She looked at me and said: I know you've been talking to him Jacob told me and Carlisle is my mate to he will see and leave you." My eyes go red and I walked toward her but Jared got in front of me I roared at him and he moved out of my way I put my claw by her throat and I said: " If you ever say Carlisle is your mate again I will kill you without question." She looked at me like she was about to piss herself Sam came in and said: " Keyvon look at me it's ok let it go she will get hers." I looked at her and then at him  and I said: " Before I move what happened and where are Paul and Jacob."  He looks at me and says " You need to move away from her before I tell you." I looked at him and said: " We both said we would work together and talk about things and come to an agreement together into the Cullens come back and we go back to them and you know if I don't hit her now I know where she lives and it will be worse because my anger will be at a breaking point so tell me now Sam." He looked at me and said: " She slapped Paul and him and Jacob got into a fight and shifted in front of her." After hearing that I move back and I slap her she falls to the ground and I grab her hair and say " If you even hit one of my brothers again I will kill you and there is no one to stop me you made sure of it." She looked at me shocked and Jacob comes in and helps her up Paul hug me and sits down Jacob looked at me and said: " Why did you do that for." I looked at him and as he was looking at Bella's face I punched him right in the face and used my magic to kick him outside everyone know what the punishment would be if they told Bella about Carlisle and us he looks at me and Sam stops Bella at the door I looked at him and said: " You told that bitch I was talking to Carlisle and about us, you know the punishment but still told her she has made you her little bitch first my son and now you, she can't keep her nose out of other peoples business so I will give you two choices you can get you punishment or she can take it for you and I won't even go hard on her just one hit not claws, no wolf, no magic just my hand." She looks at me and before Jacob could say no Bella looks at me and says " No are you crazy you could kill me he can do it." Everyone looks shocked at how she did him I turned into my wolf and Jacob turned into his and we start fighting he bites my leg but the wounded does not stay for long I bite him in the neck hard and I turn back into me and I used my magic to throw him into a tree Jacob was naked and bleeding and I was in my white now red shirt with blood on my mouth Bella looks at me like I am crazy I go up to Jacob and I punch him in the face again and he says " I will obey you and Sam's orders just stop please." I looked at him and my eyes changed back and I whip the blood off my mouth Bella runs to him checking on him and she said: " How could you do that to him he is your god brother." I looked at her and said: " You could have taken his punishment and since you are human you would have gotten a slap in the face but you said no so he got his punishment this is like a wolf slap in the face he will be fine he heals fast but I heal faster than him." After he gets cleaned he takes Bella somewhere else to talk to her she has been with the pack a lot more now and if I and being honest I don't like having her around all the time neither do the wolves and imprints I and Carlisle talked on the phone I find out they were in Italy because Stefan never went he said in a couple more days he would be coming home  I got a text from Sam says Embry needed my help with homework so I went over there and helped him we learned that Victoria was here because she was coming after Bella so we have been trying to catch be she keeps getting away I guess she knows my smell because it's like when I get close to her she runs faster and I can smell fear all over her when she looks at me when she got away again I when to the cliff the next thing I know Bella is behind me and she says " Where are the Cullens I will not ask again." I looked at her and said: " I don't know I just talk to Carlisle on the phone." I see her moving closer and she said: " When the Cullens come back you can't be here you need to be gone you can leave or you can die which one." I looked at her and said: " Bella move now or I will kill you." She looks at me and she pushes us off the cliff and she knew I couldn't swim when my body hits the water I black out I see Carlisle in the 18th century but in 21st-century clothing, he looks at me and says " She pushed you off the cliff this is what our heaven looks like I could say here forever I will see you here soon I promise I will be back tomorrow." After that, I see a vision and Carlise is in front of the Volturi asking for them to take his life same as Edward he looks at Edward and says " Your blood singer killed your mother you should live with that pain this is your fault." He looks at him and they go to the door Carlisle walks out and they see him first and then Edward and the Volturi killed them the next thing I know I wake up to see Paul giving me mouth to mouth I look to see Bella awake and I move and punch her in the face like four or five times Paul stops me and says " What the hell happened up there." I looked and say " This bitch pushed me off the cliff I need to go home now." Jacob took us home he took Bella home first and I see Alice's car I was about to walk in but Bella stops me and says " No if she wants to see me not you, they think your die." I looked at her and push her to the ground and I get into the house I see Alice with this murders look in her eyes I looked at her and said: " Alice I'm ok  I'm alive where is Carlisle." Alice looks at me and hugs me I can hear her crying and says " She pushed you off the cliff I say it how are you ok I thought you were dead." I looked at her as Bella comes in the door Alice tires to run at her but I grab her and pin her to the wall and that's when Jacob and my family comes in I looked at her and I see her eyes are black and I say " Alice look at me I am fine no matter what she does she can not kill me." Alice looks at Bella and pulls out her fangs and says " She pushed you off the fucking cliff she pushed my fucking mother." I looked at Alice and hug her and I say " Alice look at me Momma is fine I promise we need to go to Carlisle and Edward and Bella need to come with us." She looks at me her eyes back to normal and says " I know Edward will kill himself if he does not see her but I do not want her in the same car as me." I looked at her and said: " It doesn't matter your brother, My son is in trouble and my husband so we need to go." My mom looked at me and said: " What the hell is going on." I looked at her and said: " Bella pushed me off the cliff and now Carlisle thinks I'm dead and he is going to kill himself to be with me because for a moment we were in heaven together in a flower field he said he was going to come back to me tomorrow so we need to go now." My mom looked at Bella and said: I will kill you later but right now you are the only thing that can save my grandson go." As we are about to get in the car Jacob grabs Bella and said: " Bella please don't go you said you loved me and that you needed me." I looked at Jacob and roared and said: " She lied you now let her go we don't have time for this move now."  He moves and we drive off I call Carlisle but no answer I looked at Bella and I said: " If they are dead  the Volturi will be the last of your problems." She looks at me scared and then Alice said: " We will get there on time I promise." As we are driving I think about something I have to see the Volturi again. 

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