Chapter Thirty-Six: One Last Date

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I looked at Mother Elde and she said: " All you have to do is think where or who you want the to go to." I cross my legs and I think about Sophie and this happened 

Start at 0:19 and End at 0:33

As I open my eyes I look at Sophie and she said: " You did it Keke if you do fight all I have to say is I'll miss you so much and I will make sure they remember you." I nodded I wanted to cry but I couldn't let my emotions get the best of me right now we walk back to the house and Edward said: " Everyone said they would fight if it comes down to it." I looked at him and said: " It won't have you talked Bonnie out of coming." He looked at me and said: " Yeah she's pregnant." I looked at him and said: " I'm so happy for you, You, Bella, and Bonnie should take Renesmee to do something before we camo for the night." He nodded and said: " I love you, mom." I looked at him and said: " I love you two my son and I wouldn't change a thing." We walked into the house and the girls walked toward me I smiled and grabbed them and said: " When did Harmony and Skylar learn how to walk." They looked at me and said: " Mommy." I kissed their head and said: " Yeah I'm Mommy and you are my two wonderful girls." Carlisle came up to me and said: " We did it we have our big happy family." I kissed him and looked at our kids and said: " We sure do, Let's do something as a family." Emmett looked at me and said: " Oh let's go to that Soul food place I missed that place." I laughed and said: " No you missed their chicken." He nodded and we all got in the car and we go into town and eat I pay to have the karaoke bar open all night I looked to see Renesmee and Hope singing and Bella looked at me and said: " Can we talk outside." I looked at her and we go outside and I see Kol and she said: " Turns out Kol is my mate and I know I have done some bad things but I really do love him." I looked at her and hugged her and said: " I'm fine with this you have changed and you are a different person now I will never hold the past against you." She hugged Kol and kissed him and we go back in we see them dancing and singing and for a second I hoped we didn't fight because I would miss the way they make my life come to light in the darkest time we get back and we'll camp out near the battlefield I didn't want to tell the twins we were leaving them Carlisle looked at me and said: " You have to tell them." I go into the tent and see Hope and the twins and said: " Hey girls we need to talk about tomorrow so if anything happens I am going to open a portal and you are going to walk into it a meet Sophie on the other side ok Jake and Renesmee will meet you there I love you all so much." The Twins and Hope hugged me and Hope said: "Do mom and dad know about this." I looked at her and said: " Yes they do and they are ok with it so let's go outside and be a family." We all sit by the fire and Jeremy said: " Happy Christmas Eve." I hugged him and we all just sit at the fire soon we got to sleep and Carlisle said: " Let's go to the waterfall one last time Klaus said he would watch the kids into we get back." We go to the waterfall and we watch the water run down the rocks and he said: " I loved you in the past life I loved you in this one and I will love you in the afterlife." I kissed him and said: " We won't have to worry about that for a long time we have twins to raise they need their dad by their side." He looked at me and said: " They need their mom more." He kissed me and we made love that night it was my first as a vampire and I couldn't ask for a better moment we get back to the twins they were fast asleep as we go to sleep and I had a dream I see us happy and living in Forks with the kids and them going to school the next thing I know someone woke me up I look to see it was Carlisle and he said: " I know you were sleeping but I can't get sleep can we go for a walk." I woke Sam and ask him to watch the girls he turned into a wolf and sat in front of the tent and we go for a walk we go to the flower field and we see the sunrise and he says " I am going to miss this place when we leave." I looked at him and said: " Who said we had to leave when this is over we can stay in Forks the wolves know about us and said we can stay." He looked at me and said: " And what about the people they will see we are not aging we will have to leave sooner or later." I kissed him and said: " Maybe we can move to Mystic Falls they know about vampires we can just say your nightwalkers." He looked at me and said: " Maybe we can I mean I know you want the girls to go to school and to have a normal life without the moving around." I looked at him and kissed him and said: " I just want them to go somewhere they fix in where people won't tell them they're freaks."  He looked at me and said: " I know after this is over we will finally be free of this." I kissed him and we heard Sam howl and I said: " It's time I hope they listen." He looked at me and said: " I hope so too." We kiss and meet up with everyone. 


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