Chapter Twenty-Seven: Time Away

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It's been a few weeks since everything happened Esme was helping Bella with her wedding plans so we didn't have to be around her all the time today was the day of my bachelorette party Alice and Sophie planned the whole thing, Carlisle's bachelor party was tomorrow we just sat around the house today it was a little weird not to have to go back to school I was so ready for my honeymoon I just wanted to have my baby to see her grow up to look like her father or me. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Carlisle I looked at him and kissed him as he cuddled me he looked at me and said: " What was that for, my queen." I looked at him and said: " Nothing I just wanted to, my king." He looked at me and kissed me on my head and he opened our mind link and said: " What are you thinking about your mind is all over the place." I kept looking at the tv and said in the mind link " I am just ready for our honeymoon we can have some time to ourselves and we can make our baby girl I think it is going to be a girl." He looked at the tv and put his hands on my belly and rubbed it and said: " How do you know did you have a vision of what she looks like." I looked at the tv and said: " I don't know but I have been painting with Alice a lot and I made a painting of a woman holding a baby girl." Before he could answer Rosalie said: " You two really ready for your baby." I looked at her and said: " Yes we are and I am still looking for a spell Mother Elde has been sending me some spell books every week don't think I forgot your dream, Rose." She looked at me and nodded and Alice said: " That's why you painted a girl in your painting do you think it is going to be a girl." I looked at her and said: " I don't know but I feel like it is going to be a girl." Before she could say anything else Bella came in and the talking stopped and everyone just goes to watching tv again Carlisle kisses my cheek and said: " What time is your bachelorette party, my queen." I looked at him and said: " In one more hour we need to go get ready." Alice looks at me and says " No Keyvon we need to wait for the Mikaelson to get here remember they had to get Hayley and Hope." I looked at her and said: " Oh yeah I am going to call Hayley to see where they are." Before I could pick up my phone Hayley came in the door and said: " What's up my two favorite girls in the world." We hugged her and Sophie said: " Well your sisters are getting married but it is about Keyvon today my bachelorette party is two days after her wedding where is little Hope." The next thing I know she comes running in and jumps into my arms and says " Hey aunt Keke and Soso I missed you." We hugged her and I said: " We missed you too do you want to meet aunt's husband." She looked at me and said: " Yes and I promise to be nice." Klaus laughed and said: " Good luck she was in the car for ten minutes trying getting her mean face on." I laughed and said: "Were you trying to scare aunt's husband." She looked at me with the biggest smile and said: " No one is good enough for my aunt." I looked at her and laughed and said: " If she doesn't sound like Klaus." Everyone laughed but Bella and I looked at Hope and said: " Can you be nice and no magic please." She looked at me and said: " Ok I promise no magic." Carlisle walked to us and said: " I am your auntie Keke's husband it's nice to meet you, Hope." She looked at him and said: " Is he a vampire auntie." I looked at her and said: " Yes he is a vampire Hope." Before she could say anything Bella said: " Why the hell would you tell her she can go tell people she is a little girl." Before I could say anything Hope used her magic to throw her into the wall and said: " My mom and dad are half vampires and I am not little." Everyone laughs and Klaus says " That's my daughter." At that point, I laugh and say " Hope I said no magic." She looked at me and said: " She was being mean to me and she was being mean to you." I looked at Hope and I went into a vision I was holding a baby and she was crying and Carlisle was trying to help me with her I started to sing to her and she stop crying and we just looked at her as I was about to say her name I heard someone yell my name I was out of my vision I heard a bang and I pushed Hope into my chest and growled I looked up at Carlisle and he said: " Keyvon it is ok Bella was yelling and Esme dropped a pan what did you see." I looked at him and said: " I will tell you all later and Hope don't say anything in front of Bella ok." She looked at me and said: " Ok auntie Keke, I like Carlisle he's nice and he makes you happy." I hug her and said: " He really does would you like to go with Alice she loves to paint too." I take her to Alice and they went into the art studio and Bella followed I remember my painting and I and Hayley ran in there and we heard Bella scream we ran in and see her in the air and my painting and Hope said: " Never touch auntie stuff again it was wet." She drops Bella and puts the painting back I looked at her and said: " Thank you my lovely Hope." She hugged me and ran to her Hayley and Bella said: " Why did you paint that everyone knows your secret but me even she knows and she just got here." I looked at her and said: " Hope saw the same thing I did and leave her out of this if you touch her I will let Hayley kill you." Hayley growled and we looked at the time and said: " It is time for my bachelorette party if you guys want to go to my house with Hope to make sure Bella doesn't try anything you can Bella can't walk into my house I put a spell on it." We all go upstairs and changed and this is my outfit and necklace 

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