Chapter Fourteen: A Prom To Remember

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We all went shopping to get our prom dresses Alice was nice enough to get Bella one we got to the house and Rosalie and Alice do my makeup on and I looked at them and said: " Who it be bad if I said I didn't want to go." Alice looked at me and said: " Why you only get one prom and you love big dresses and heels." I looked at her and said: " It's not the same without Carlisle being there." Rosalie looks at me and says " Well can you go with us please." I looked at her and said: " Fine I will go with you." As I say that they get done with my makeup and puts me in front of the mirror and I see this.  

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I look at myself and I look beautiful we get in the car and we go to the school we all get there Rosalie and Emmett have on gold and Alice and Jasper have on Green and black and Sophie and Jeremy have on dark blue and black they were having fun an...

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I look at myself and I look beautiful we get in the car and we go to the school we all get there Rosalie and Emmett have on gold and Alice and Jasper have on Green and black and Sophie and Jeremy have on dark blue and black they were having fun and I tried to but Carlisle wasn't there it just reminds me that Carlisle and I can't do everything together the girls come up to me and Alice says " Come with us."  We walk outside and I see Carlisle I ran to him and he picked me up and spins me around and I say " My queen what are you doing here I thought you had to work." He looked at me and said: " No I have a surprise for you and thanks girls for keeping her busy." I looked at them and thanked them we get in the car and Carlisle says " Put these on don't ask why ya'll see." After Carlisle says that he hands me these 

" After Carlisle says that he hands me these 

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As we get closer to where we are going he put on a black mask and he helps me out of the car and I say " What is going on my king

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As we get closer to where we are going he put on a black mask and he helps me out of the car and I say " What is going on my king." He looked and said:" This is our prom." As he says that we walk into a room and it looks like this 

We walked in it is so beautiful Carlisle looks at me and says " This is going to be our first prom I know something we can't into you are eighteen but that won't be too long

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We walked in it is so beautiful Carlisle looks at me and says " This is going to be our first prom I know something we can't into you are eighteen but that won't be too long." After he says that we dance and I have a flashback of me and Carlisle dancing with a mask on and that was the night we finally made love I look back at Carlisle and say " I remember this it was the king's birthday party and everyone was wearing a mask and we danced all night while the king was trying to find me because I told him I wasn't going and that I would be in my room when they came in the ballroom we ran away we couldn't go to my room because they would look for me there so we went to your room and we made love that night." He looked at me and says " You remember that was one of the best nights of my life when you put all your trust in me." I looked at him and kissed him we danced all night and by the time we got home Esme had cooked and everyone was there we all eat and talked a little bit Edward said he was sleeping at Bella's and as I was going to our room Carlisle says " Let's go to your house and sleep in your room." I looked at Carlisle and said:" Why do we need to go to my house." He looked at me and says " Let's give them a night where they have the house to themselves." I looked at him and laugh he puts his hand over my mouth trying to get me to stop because the kids can hear Esme and Stefen were going to Stefen's house Sophie and Jeremy came back home and I and Carlisle go back home too as we get in the car I looked at him and laughed and said: " You just don't want to hear our kids having sex I could have just put a spell on the room." He looked at me and said: " You said our kids." I looked at him as he parked in the driveway I kissed him and said: " There were my kids the moment I meet you again." He kissed me and said: " Our family has gotten bigger." I looked at him and say " Once I get out of school our family will get bigger." He puts me up and takes me to my room I take off my dress and put my Pjs on and Carlisle put on one of his shirts he has given me and we fall asleep listening to each other breathing." 


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