Chapter Thirty-Three: Meet Your New Family

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I woke up to screaming and then we went downstairs they were trying to see what was wrong with Bella I grabbed blood out of the freezer a moved to Bella and the baby stating moving I give it to Bella and she was ok again Carlisle looked at me and said: " How did you know." I hugged him and said: " Well in my book when the baby wants blood that means they are on the way so watch Bella because she will be giving birth today." After a couple of hours, her water broke and her ribs Carlisle and Sammy went inside and helped her, and the wolves came and I went to Embry and said: " Bella's baby is just like mine she won't hurt anyone." After Jake came out crying they left Embry looked back and then ran away  Elijah was hugging Leah we find out they were mates this morning when she finally came in the house she was happy and I was so happy to see that Sam came back and they were fighting while Bonnie and Edward were with Renesmee and Bella was being turned so she was sleeping I went out and said: " She is not going to hurt anyone she is like me a hybrid she won't hurt anyone she is the first cold one hybrid Sam went to bite Emmett I screamed and Sam flew into a tree and everyone looked at me and I felt my water break I screamed and Carlisle ran to me and said: " Are you having the kids today." I nodded and Jake came out and said: " I imprinted on Renesmee you can't hurt her." Carlisle picked me up and my dad came in to hold my hand into momma got her with Caroline ( The picture at the top)  My mom came in and so did Sammy  and this happened 

Start at 1:02

Carlisle and Sammy looked at each other and I said: " If something is wrong don't save me save my babies help my babies." Sammy takes control and Carlisle grabs my hand and says " Nothing is going to happen you are stopping because you are scared something will happen and you are stopping them from coming you need to push." Sophie comes in and grabs my hand while my mom watches and Sophie said: " Look at me Keke." I look at her I see myself happy with my baby girls and Carlisle and as I am pulled out she says " Do you want that." I looked at her and said: " More than life itself." She looked at me and said: " Well then you need to fight for it so fight and stop holding your magic back."  I looked at her and nodded I pushed harder and trees started to fly into the house and the wind picks up I looked at Sammy says " That's baby number one come on we're almost done." Carlisle looked at me and said: " Come on Keyvon you can do this let it go." As he says that I pushed harder and the lighting hits some trees  and I feel tired Sammy said: " Her are your two beautiful baby girls." I grabbed them and they look so beautiful Carlisle looked at me and said: " You did it, honey, I am so proud of you." I looked at him and he kissed me and Sammy grabbed them to put clothes on them it was already morning Carlisle looked at me and said: " Their birth is September 12 you give birth for nine hours." I looked at them and said: " Thank you when can I get up and go into the living room so they can see the babies." Sammy looked at me and said: " It's just after birth after that we can use magic to heal you." I looked at Carlisle and said: " No more kids for a long time we already have two." My mom laughed and said: " Now you see how I feel this is why I didn't want any more kids I am so proud of you I had you with the medicine you didn't have them without the medicine so what are you going to name them." Sammy handed them to me and I said: " Harmony Drita Cullen and Skylar Dolores Cullen." My mom looked at me and said: " You named them after me." I looked at her and said: " Yeah so when you are gone they have a piece of you and so do I." She hugged me and after all that stuff comes out of me Sammy and Sophie heal me with magic I go into the living room and Hope said: " Can I see them please." I looked at her and showed her the twins and said: " Welcome to the family Harmony and Skylar Cullen." And this is what they look like 

My momma said: " They a little red bone but they will get darker over time and look like their mother

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My momma said: " They a little red bone but they will get darker over time and look like their mother." Hayley looked at them and said: " Omg they have your hair and Carlisle's face." I looked at her and said: " I did come out with my hair like that too." She laughed and Caroline and Embry came out and said: " Embry is my mate so they are letting me come on La Push." I looked at her and hugged her and said: " Do you want to hold them." She gets Harmony out of my hands and I go to Bonnie and say " Can I hold Renesmee." Edward looked at me and said: " Of course you can you are my mother." Bonnie puts her in my arms and I said: " Well hello Renesmee I am your grandmother and meet my daughters you can just call them your cousins." Edward looked at me and said: " She said she is ok with that."  I passed her back to Bonnie and Caroline passes me Harmony I give Carlisle Harmony because Skylar was crying because she was hungry I went and got a bottle out of the freezer and feed her and then Harmony I looked to see it getting late and that it was time for them to go to bed I changed their diapers and I put them down for bed and I went to sleep we already got their birth certificates because we told them I would be doing a home birth we need to get all this stuff because I wanted them to go to school we went to go to sleep but we heard crying we got up to see what was wrong their rooms was right next to our room I grab them and my mom said: " Put them in the same bed that's how you and Sophie were." Bonnie comes in and says " They're crying to Renesmee won't stop crying and Edward said she wanted to be in here." I put Harmony and Skylar in the same bed and Bonnie puts Renesmee in Skylar's bed and they fall asleep."  I looked at momma and said: " You were right they're fast asleep now." She looks at me and said: " They are your kids they will be a little like you like you are just like me." I hug her and we all go back to sleep Carlisle hugs me and we fell asleep over the past days the girls have been sleeping good and so has Renesmee she has been aging every day she looks three months old Rosalie was getting so close to Renesmee I hope Bella doesn't try to take her away I go up to Rosalie and say " I find a way for you two have babies." She looked at me and hugged me and said: " How do we have a baby I thought we could never have kids." I looked at her and said: " You drink my blood and it will make you a hybrid but you will have to drink a little of Hopes blood or you will die." Hope hugs Rosalie and looks at me and says " I want to help she really wants a baby." Rosalie hugs her and says " Thank you little Hope I own you my life." Carlisle takes some of Hope's blood and then mine after they wake up Emmett and Rosalie turn into wolves and start running they come back and I say " Give it a week or two before you try and they is a little of mine and Hope's blood for when Esme and Alice want kids to." Esme goes into the freezer and takes her and she falls asleep I looked at Alice and said: " Are you going to take your's or wait." Alice looked at me and said: " I will give myself time before having a baby."Esme wakes up and we run when we get back Bella is awake and holding Renesmee I go crazy for a second looking for my babies but see Rosalie and Bonnie holding them and Carlisle getting their bottles Bella hands Renesmee to Edward and said: " You and me outside now."  I looked at her and said: " Bring it on bitch." I know this day was coming and I was ready to kill her. 


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