Chapter Twenty: Clam Before The Storm

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I woke up Edward told me that he ask Bella to marry him I asked him if it was what he really wanted he couldn't even look at me he just went to get Bella I grabbed a cup of coffee and went back upstairs I open the balcony door and went to see the sunrise as I am sitting outside I feel Carlisle coming up behind me he kissed my cheek and said: " Why are you up so early on a Saturday." I looked at him and said: " Well we have a lot to do we have two family meetings because Bella wanted to talk about her turning and see if we were ok with it's not like we have a choice it's her or our son and we have to talk with Sam to see if he will help us get Victoria and Alice and Rosalie are helping me with my look for the talent and after that, we have family dinner and maybe sex and then sleep." He laughed and kissed me and we heard someone say " And we have to plan your wedding." We look to see Alice in our room with a big book that said wedding plans I looked at her and said: " Right now is not a good time to get married I mean with Bella and Victoria we will have no time to get married I want it to be special I don't want to just do it to get it out the way." She looked at me and said: " You can get married after we fight Victoria." I know Bella would want to get married before me because she likes everything to be about her but I didn't care I just wanted to marry the man I loved the one thing we agreed on was I and Sophie's wedding would be two days apart so we would go on our honeymoons after Bella's wedding she leaves and I tell Alice that I'm going to help her with my wedding I didn't want her to do it all by herself she left and we just hugged for a while and the next thing I know we hear Bella scream Carlisle was about to run downstairs but I grabbed him and said: " Edward ask Bella to marry him that's why she screamed." He looked at me and said: " What after what happened I thought he would have let her go." I looked at him and kissed him and said: " No, My King our son will never learn." He kissed me and I put on his hoodie and my PJ pants and we go downstairs we see Bella and she says " Ok now that everyone is here I have big news I and Edward are getting married." Everyone looked at Edward like he was crazy and he just looked down I looked at her and said: " That is great news Bella I am happy for you." She looked at Carlisle who just smiled at me and she said: " Carlisle how do you feel about it." He looked at her and said: " What every my son wants is fine by me." She looked a little mad and looked at Alice and said: " We were thinking we could get married after we fight Victoria can you help me plan my wedding." Alice looked at her and said: " I can help you plan your wedding but you can't get married after the fight Sophie and Keyvon will be getting married then you can get married after them." She looked at me and then Sophie and said: " They wouldn't mind if we got married first right." I looked at her and before Sophie could say anything I said: " You can get married after us because if you get married my son won't be at my wedding." She looked at me and said: " No you can get married after our honeymoon is over this is my big day, not yours." I looked at her and said: " Jeremy and Carlisle ask before Edward so we will go first and we will stay for your wedding and then we will go on our honeymoon." She looked at me and before she could say anything Edward said: " Deal only if you agree you won't try to get back at Bella for trying to kill you." I looked at him and said: " If it shuts her up then yes deal." She nods her head but was still a little mad Alice looked at me and said: " Ok well today we have a family meeting no wait two Bella wanted to talk and we have graduation and talent show shopping and a meeting with Sam." I looked and said: " Bella since you are here you wanted to talk about becoming a vampire." She looked at me and said: " I know many of you don't like me but I wanted to know how you feel about me becoming a vampire and vote on it." I looked at her and said: " I vote yes if it comes down to killing Edward or turning you into a vampire then I pick turning you." Carlisle looked at me and said: " I agree I am not losing my son." Everyone but Rosalie said yes because of Edward she then looked and said: When do you plan on turning Keyvon." I looked at her and said: " When I am about 28 or 29 or when every Carlisle feels like it." She looked at me a little pissed and said: " But the Volturi wants her to be a vampire too." I looked at her and said: " Yeah be they know I am going to be turned and they have known me a long time and the only thing I ever wanted was to be with Carlisle forever." She looked at them and said: " How do all of you feel about her turning." They all looked at me and said they were fine with it and that when I turned they would be ok with it Bella was so mad I could tell by her face Rosalie looked at me and said: " I am going to tell Bella the story of how I got turned maybe she will see that this is not a good life and we can make a new deal with the Volturi." I looked at her and said: " Ok but if she pisses you off tell me and I will come in there and hit her for you." She hugged me and went to talk to Bella we went to go meet Sam as we get  there he says " We need to talk about you turning Bella." Jacob looked at Carlisle and said: " You can't turn Bella if you do we kill will you." I looked at him and said: " This is your fault and hers if you never told her about us she would have never pushed me off the cliff and if she never pushed me off the cliff we would have never had to go save Carlisle and Edward and we would not have to be talking about this so this is on you and her not us." He looked at me and said: " You could have let them die." I looked at him and growled and he looked down and I said: " You are just mad that now Edward is back she is never going to talk to you again and Carlisle is my imprint I had every right to save him Sam get Jake before I kill him." Sam roared at Jacob and he backed down and Sam said: " Carlisle I am happy you are alive when you turn Bella we will let you stay but she can not come on our land after she is turned and she can not go to Forks into she gets her bloodlust under control." We agree and Sam said: " Now let's talk about Victoria." Jacob looked at Carlisle and said: " Another problem you caused." I looked at him and said: " Another problem your sex toy caused." He looked at me and said: " How did you know you can't tell anyone." I looked at him and laughed and said: " I was kidding I didn't know but I do now." I looked at Carlisle and said: " I told you she was a hoe." He laughed and Sam said: Back to what I was saying we will have you with Victoria since she keeps coming on our land as well and we will help you watch Charlie and Bella so you can hunt." Carlisle looked at Sam and said: " Thank you so much for helping Sam." Paul looked at me and said: " Any time Keke you are my sister and we will be at your wedding." As he says that I say " You are welcome to come, ya'll are my family too." We nodded and leave and we come back to the house Rosalie comes up to me and says " I told her but she still didn't care." I looked at her and said: " At least you tried and the way Aro looked at us I don't think he is going to change his mind." She hugged me and Bella came out and said: " So what is the other family meeting about." I looked at her and said: " That is none of your business you and Edward are going on a date remember." She looked at me and said: " You may as well tell me I mean we are going to be family forever now so it's not like you can hide stuff from me forever." I looked at her and said: " You will know things when I want you to and just because we will both be vampires that don't make us family."  She looked at me and leaves with Edward when Jasper gives the ok Rosalie hugs me and says " Ok what do you want to tell us." I looked at Rosalie and said: " Well I and Carlisle talked about it a lot and we decided that after we get married we would try for a baby and a couple of months after I give birth I can go to college and get a bachelor's degree in creative writing so I can become a writer so I can work from home." Alice hugged me and said: " Omg that's great will it be a normal pregnancy or will you have to be turned." I looked at her and said: " Well Mother Elde said the pregnancy will be normal I will just have to drink blood and I will grow a little faster but not a lot and the baby will age normally." Alice hugged me and so did Rosalie and I hugged Carlisle and said: " Well I, Rosalie, and Alice have to go shopping but we will be back." He kissed me and we went shopping when we get back my mom and dad were there and my mom was cooking as we sit at the table I looked at momma and say " I have something to tell you." She looked at me and said: " What is it Nicole are you ok." I looked at her and said: "Carlisle and I were talking last night and we thought after our wedding it would be a good time to try for a baby." She looked at me and my dad stopped eating which scared me a little I looked at momma and she said: " What are you going to do about college?" I looked at her and said: " After a few months I will go and get my  bachelor's degree in creative writing and work from home." She looked at me and said: " Who is going to watch the baby while you're at school and Carlisle at work." I looked at her and said: " At first Carlisle wanted to stop working but Esme and Stefan said they had no problem watching the baby." She looked at me and said: " Ok well I will be here to my mom helped me with you and I am going to help you with my grandchild." I looked at her and said: " Thank you I just want my child to have as much time as they can with their grandparents." Mom and Dad got up and hugged me and just then Edward and Bella come in and Bella says " You are having family dinner without us." I looked at her and said: " I text Edward and told him we were having dinner tonight and that he could come." She looked at me and said: " What about me." I looked at her and said: " Just because I agree to not hurt you for trying to kill me doesn't mean I forgive you." She looked at me and said: " Let it go you got what you wanted a family that loves you, you should be thanking me." I looked at her and said: " We were happy before you came along." She looked at me and Edward looked shocked and he said: " Why would you say that to her, why can't you let me be happy." I looked at him and said: " You are not happy with her anyone with eyes can see you're not happy." He looked at me and said: " Stop acting like you care you are not my mother." I looked at him hurt and Bella smiled I looked at him and as I am about to go upstairs Alice said: " Well since you love Edward so much tell him how you sleep with Jake while yo were gone Keyvon told us not to say anything because she never wanted to hurt you Edward and you just hurt her back." I go upstairs and Carlisle follows me and says " You know he didn't mean it Bella is just in his head." I looked at him and said: " I know but I think it would be for the best if I and Edward don't talk for a while." As we go to sleep I cuddle into Carlisle and we fall asleep." 


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