Chapter Thirteen: Baseball Battle

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I wake up with the sun on my face I look for Carlisle and he comes out of the bathroom and says " Are you ready to take the test baby." I look at him and say " Well I was thinking we could do it with my parents there and Mother Elde said she was going to help us talk to them I just really want my mom to be there when I do it." He looks at me and says " I know I called your mom I told her we had something to tell them she is waiting." We get dressed in our baseball outfits and we drive to my parent's house I was scared but know I had to tell my mom or she would find out we get to the house and we walk in to see my parents at the dinner table my mom looks at Mother Elde and then me and says " Oh My God what happen to you are you ok you said you need to tell us something." We go and sit next to my parents and I say " Momma I am fine I just need to tell you something." She calms down and says " What is it Nicole because you look like you just killed someone." I looked at her and as I was about to say something Mother Elde said: " Well you know that story you find in one of my spell books." My mom says " Yeah about the girl who got pregnant by the vampire." My mom stops her sentence and looks at us and said: Keyvon Nicole Doster are you pregnant and how did it happen." I looked at her and Carlisle grabs my hand tighter and Mother Elde says " Well I got the second book with the rest of the story the girl was half witch and half werewolf and she was an Alpha and when she bite her mate she made him in an Alpha mate and when he rutted she got pregnant now Keyvon and Carlisle didn't know this they didn't know she could get pregnant." My mom looked at me and dad got out of his chair and was walking to Carlisle I got in front of Carlisle and I could not hold it back anymore I cried and said: " Stop don't take him away from me I love him and if I am pregnant it's not like he tried to get me pregnant we didn't know." The next thing we know we hear a girl yelling and we look to see the Cullens I was so scared I thought if Bella was with them and I was pregnant she would try to kill my baby I guess he read my mind because the next thing I know he says " Where is Bella is she with you and where is Edward." Rosalie looked at him and said: " No Edward went to go pick her up when we got the call from grandmom." I looked at Rosalie happy to see our family getting closer he calms down and we sit back down my mom looked at me and says " You don't know if you are pregnant or not." I looked at her and start crying again and said: " No I wanted to take it with you please don't be mad at me I know you never wanted me to be pregnant as a teenager and I am so sorry if I am I didn't know but if I am I want the baby I really love him and I know he loves me." She looks at me and says " Stop crying I am not mad you didn't even know you could get pregnant and I would never make you get an abortion that is your choice to make." I looked at her and she hugs me and says " I hope you know if you are pregnant then you will have to drop out of school." Carlisle looked at my mom and said: " No I thought a lot about this if she is then she can do home school and then I can watch the baby while she goes to college I don't have to work I have enough money where I don't have to work I just choose  to and I have stocks." My mom looked at him and said: " I am not mad at anyone you didn't know now Keyvon let's go take the test." I kiss Carlisle my dad looks a little calm as I and mom got into the bathroom I looked at her and said: " Are you ok with his momma I never wanted to let you down." She looked at me and says " No Keyvon I am not mad now I'm praying you are not pregnant but I am not mad." I take the test and I have to give it five minutes, we eat breakfast since I and Carlisle missed it when the timer on my phone goes off I run to the bath run with my mom behind me I looked at the test I'm a little sad but I so ok mom and I go out and I say " I am not pregnant." Carlisle looked a little sad everyone did only my dad and mom looked happy and I said: After I turn 20 or 21 we can always try again or maybe after I get out of school." My mom looked at me and nodded saying that she was ok with me getting pregnant after I get out of school and my dad hugged me to show he was not mad my mom went to her room and hand me birth control pills and a plan b and says " You will take birth control pills and you need to take this plan b you are not being a teenage mother I love you but I will never let that happen." I looked at her and took the plan b and I go to my room to get my spell book and I find a blocking spell and I go downstairs and say "I love Edward and he is a good kid but Bella is not and if she finds out I can get pregnant she may try to kill my baby and I will not let that happen so I will be blocking this from his mind he will see everything but that." Carlisle looked at me and said: " He wouldn't tell her he wouldn't hurt you." I looked at him and said: " I know but right now he thinks Bella can do no wrong so we need to do this into he see what she is really like." I looked at him and he said: " I think we should tell him I hate keeping secrets from any of them." I looked at him and said: " I told him to never tell Bella about me overheating and almost dying give it a week if he tells her then we do it my way if he doesn't then we do it your way that's  good." He looked at me and nodded and we go to the field we get to the field and Rosalie hugged me and said: " You and Carlisle really wanted that baby didn't you." I looked at Rosalie and said: " I was scared my mom would hate me but deep down I wanted that baby but we can have a baby so we can keep trying and I will try to find a spell to help you and Emmett and if I can't you can be the godparents."  Emmett put me in a bear hug and says " You gonna be one crazy newborn." I looked at him and so did Carlisle and I said: " When I turn I am fighting you first." We all laugh Intell Rosalie says " Here comes the evil bitch." We heard a growl I looked at Carlisle but it wasn't him it was Alice I laughed and said: " You know you're an evil bitch when Alice doesn't like you and she likes everyone."  We all laughed and then Edward and Bella pull up Rosalie walked far away from Bella and her and Carlisle were playing with the bat Jasper was warming up and Edward came over to me I see Esme and Bella talking Edward looks at me and says " Hey thanks for giving her a chance but Bella really wants a girls day with you, Rosalie, Alice, Esme, Andrita, and Sophie." I looked at him and said: " I don't know Edward, Rosalie and Sophie really don't like her." He looks at me and says " Do you think you can get them to say yes." I looked at him seeing the hope in his eyes and I say " I will try I make no promises." He hugged me and Bella came up to me and said: " Hey when are we all having a girl's day." I looked at him and he looks down and I said: " We are all a little busy I will see what I can do." She looks mad she was about to say something but Rosalie came and got me and said: " You will go first." Bella looked at said: " Why does she get to play won't she get hurt did you turn her." I looked at her red face and I said: No Bella I am a werewolf I will be fine." She looks at me and says " You are not as strong as a vampire I think she and Sophie should sit out with me I mean Sophie is human." I looked at Bella say " No Sophie will be playing too she is a werewolf she turned before me when I was in a coma for two weeks." She looked at me and so does everyone else I never told that story Carlisle vamp speeds to me and says " When did this happen." I looked at him and Stefen said: " When she, Bonnie, and their grandmom opened a tomb full of vampires." Carlisle looked at me and then Stefen and says " Why was she in a coma." I looked at Carlisle and said: " We try the spell it worked but there was a give and a take, We opened the tomb that we the give the take was Bonnie couldn't use magic for a while I was in a coma and our grandmother died." He looked at me and said: " How if you said magic has a give and a take you used magic for us what has it taken from you." I looked at Carlisle and said: " No those were small spells there is no give and take to them the one we did was more powerful than the ones I do for us we were the spell was too powerful for us to do but we did it anyway because we didn't want the vampire to kill Jeremy so we did it." He looked at me and kissed me and said: " Never do a spell like that again I need you." I looked at him and Bella said: " Maybe they should sit out I mean that probably took a lot of them Emmett could take them home." I heard Rosalie growl and I said: " Emmett go long." I and Sophie threw the balls at Emmett and he ran into the woods to get them I looked at her and said: " No Bella we or going to show them how we played baseball back home right Stefen." He smiled and nodded and said: " They have good rights." I looked at him and laugh and Emmett comes back and says " You already have vampire strength and Carlisle hasn't even turned you yet." I laughed at him and Bella looked like she was about to blow her top and that's when Alice looked up and said: " It's time." We started playing Rosalie went first she hit it and Edward went running after it he throws it to Esme and Bella said: "You out." Rosalie growled at her and Emmett said: " Come on babe it's just a game." Carlisle looked at her and said: Good kitty."I laughed and said: " She kitty and I am the wolf." He kissed me and said: " Yeah you both got claws but your calmer than she is." He goes up to the plate and he hits that ball he runs and I said: " Go, Carlisle, that's my baby." Emmett and Edward jumped and hit each other we all start laughing and Carlisle comes and kissed me Jasper and when he hit it Emmett climbed a tree and Rosalie said: " My monkey man." I looked at her and hit her arm and we laughed I saw the look Bella give Emmett in the next couple of days she'll say Emmett is her mate along with Carlisle as Rosalie hit the ball Alice had a vision and told everyone to stop there ran to us and then I heard fast footsteps in the woods I looked at Carlisle and said: " They were leaving what happened." Alice looked at me and said: " They heard us Bella needs to get out of here." As Edward was walking Carlisle said: " There's no time." Edward looked at me and says " Is there a spell to hide her smell."I looked and said: " There is but it doesn't work on blood singers only hunters I did it to Jeremy years ago." He looked at her and said: " Put your hair down." Rosalie looked at her and said: " Yeah like that's going to work I can smell her across the field." Bella looked at me and said: " What about them want they come after them too." I looked at her and said: " No they won't fuck with a werewolf or a werewolf mate they don't want to die." As we say that they walk up to us and the black man says " I think this belongs to you." He throws the ball and Carlisle catches it and don't get me wrong this is a bad time but that was hot Carlisle looks at him as he looked at me Carlisle grabs my hand and says " My name is Carlisle and this is my wife Keyvon and this is our family." He looks at Carlisle and the blonde girl says " You married a werewolf." I look at her and say " Well I am his mate so yeah." She looked at me mad that I would talk back to her she growled and I show my Alpha eyes to make sure she know I was not just a normal wolf she backs down and he says " I'm Lupine this is Victoria and James." Carlisle says " Your hunting activity's have left quite a mess for us." He looks and says " Sorry we didn't know the territory had been marked." Carlisle looks and says " Well we have a permit residence nearby." I see James looking at Edward the whole time Lupin looks at Carlisle and said: " Do you have room for three more come on just one game." Carlisle say fine and that some of us were leaving anyway as he says they can go first and she said: I'm the one with the wicked curveball and I wonder how Wolfe here would do." Before I could say anything Jasper says " I think we can handle that and she has a good right." We all laughed and then the wind blows and James looked at Bella and said:" You brought a snack." We all run up to them and pulled Bella behind us and Carlisle says " The girls with us." Lupin looks and says " I can see the game is over, come on James." James stand there and I pulled fire out of my hands and they looked at me and I say " Leave now or I will kill you and I don't need my wolf to do it." Victoria grabs his arm and they leave Carlisle looks at Edward and says " Get Bella out of here." They run to his car Carlisle looks at me and says " How did you that are you hurt." I looked at him as we get in our cars and I say " Mother Elde taught me how to use fire magic." He looked at me and said: Why did you go after Victoria she could have hurt you." I looked and said:" The same reason you grabbed my hand when Lupin was looking at me." He nodded and as we get to the house we see Lupin Carlisle pulls me behind and Lupin said:" I am not here to fight I just wanted to warn you James is coming after you I can deal with him anymore so I'm leaving don't underestimate the girl Victoria she is smart." He looks at me and Carlisle says " Why do you keep looking at her she is mine." He looks at Carlisle and says " I know she just looks familiar I just have one question." Carlisle looked at me and I nodded and said:" What do you want to ask me." He looked at me and said:" Did you and the original hybrid the small vampire army that was trying to kill him in New Orleans." I looked at him and Carlisle looked at me and I said: " Yes they had tried to kill him and my sister." He looked at me and said: But you had purple eyes not, red and black ones." I looked at him and said:" No more questions leave." As he was leaving Edward came in and grabbed Bella Carlisle had to tell him he was helping us we all went into the garage and Carlisle said: " We need to kill James even though I don't want to." I looked at Carlisle and said: "I know this may not be what you want to hear from me but it is him or us." He looks at me and said: " You have always been like that family comes first before all else." I looked at him and he said: " Rosalie you need to wear her jacket." Rosalie finally went off and said: " Why I don't like her and she's not my family." Bella looked at her and said: "  But she is." Carlisle looked at her and Edward just hold her hand I was about to say something but Carlisle grabbed my hand and shake his head Bella saw this and said: " I don't know why you like her when she almost set Carlisle on fire." As she says that everyone looks at Edward and he just looks down and when I looked at Carlisle and he looked upset but he said: " It doesn't matter if you don't like her or not she is family now." I looked at him and nodded and she looked at me Rosalie put the jacket on as we were talking about the plan Carlisle said nothing about me so I said: " What do I do." Carlisle looked at me and said: " You are going home and so is Sophie." I looked at him and said: " No me and Sophie talked about this Sophie and Jeremy will stay and watch Charlie and our family and I will go with you." He looked at me and said: " No you need to be here." I looked at him and said: " No he knows you won't leave me here and if he smells me with you he will think Bella is with us." He looked at me and said: " You ain't going to back down are you." I looked at him and shook my head no he nodded and said I would go with him and Sophie and Jeremy would stay here as we get ready Edward says " I will go with Bella to Arizona." Carlisle looked at him and says " No you need to come with us he knows you won't leave Bella alone." He nods and Bella says " I think Keyvon or Sophie should come with me." I looked at her and say " No James knows Carlisle won't go anywhere without me and Sophie wants to protect our family and plus Alice and Jasper will be with you." After I say that Edward takes her to her daddy like planned she comes back and we start running after a while I get a little tired I turned into a wolf to run faster I had a vision and turned back and magically put clothes on me and said: " He changed course he is following Alice and Jasper we need to go." Edward starts running and as I was about to un Carlisle says " Get on my back I called Sophie and she is bringing the car but for now get on my back." I looked at him and got on his back we go to Arizona by the time we get  the Alice is outside and said:" Bella went to her old ballet studio we need to go." We go there and see Edward fighting James and Bella with a bite mark on her arm Carlisle puts me down and goes to Edward and me and Alice go to Bella Alice looked at Bella and said: " You are going to be ok." Alice looks at the blood on her fingers and I say " Carlisle the blood we need help over here." Edward lets go of James and give him to Jasper and Carlisle comes up to us and says " We need to stop the bleeding." Alice tried to do it but her bloodlust was too strong I look at her and says " You go kill James I will do this tell me what to do." He gives me his belt and I remember what Sammy told me when she was going to medical school I put the belt above the wound to stop the bleeding Carlisle looked at Edward and says " You need to suck the venom out." Edward looks at Bella and sucks the venom out he was starting to drink Bella's blood he stopped and moved back Sophie came with the car and we took her to the hospital Charlie shows up and comes to me and says " You had something to do with this did you." Carlisle pushes me behind him and says " She had nothing to do with this she came to make sure Bella was safe."  Charlie looks at me and goes to find Bella's room after they fixed her leg we all go home my mom wanted me to be home to make sure I was ok so I and Carlisle sleep on my bed and he kisses my head and we fall asleep trying to forget the day.

"  Charlie looks at me and goes to find Bella's room after they fixed her leg we all go home my mom wanted me to be home to make sure I was ok so I and Carlisle sleep on my bed and he kisses my head and we fall asleep trying to forget the day

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