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𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚝.

𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸 --- 𝙷𝚘𝚕𝚢 𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚝..

tw -- blood, gore, knives, mentions of death


There was Elijah... dead. His clothes stained with blood; his t-shirt redder than it already was, his arms covered in the red liquid with cuts from escaping, I assume, and his face... oh my god, his eyes were gone. It- It was just- it was a traumatizing sight-

Wait a minute.

Who the hell is that?

There was a person. They were in a white, pink, and blue rabbit fur suit. They seemed to be holding a knife, with blood over their suit- Hold on. Did this- Did this person KILL the kid?!

Just as I was about to speak, the rabbit lady ran over to me and punched me. I fell to the floor, grunting, dropping my flashlight in the process. "Ughh.. what-" I looked up, the rabbit lady looming over me. I shake my head, trying to regain consciousness, but the rabbit lady had already started running. I got up regardless, taking a hold of my flashlight, and running after her.


She just kept running, not making a sound. I mean- her suit head didn't have a mouth. There was a 15 feet distance between us both, and when she turned the corner, she was just- gone.

I was so confused. Is she not a human? Ack- Whatever! I should probably call for backup... I mean, I guess I interrupted her for doing.. whatever she was doing. I sighed, putting my hand up to the walkie talkie, and pressed the button to where people with the walkie talkie would be able to hear me.

"Uhm.. I found him." Waited a minute, until a voice came on. Not the voice who called me to search for the boy. 'Really?! Where is he, we'll meet up with you!' "Down the maintenace area, by the medical station near rockstar row.. you guys aren't gonna like this at all." 'Why? What happened?' "Just- just come down here.." I sighed, removing my hand from the walkie talkie. It talked, but I decided to ignore it. I walked back to the closed off area with my flashlight, sighing.. I really didn't like this. This made me sick to my stomach, the sight replaying in my mind, and with me going back is making it worse.

 I reached the door, as it was still open, and peered in. Yep. Still there. It looked like it was there for display, like maybe it was planned and was meant to be there? I don't know, but the poor boy looked around 5 or 6 years old. I couldn't handle the stench it was giving off either, as I plugged my nose and breathed through my mouth. "I'm sorry you have to go through this Elijah.. this was terrible, what that rabbit lady did.." I spoke to him. I hope he heard me, even if he didn't, I still wished.

 I waited for a few minutes, just sitting there, until some employee's arrived. 'Hey Y/N. What happened? Luis told us what you said.' "Just.. just look in there." The employee, Nick, looked in. He gasped, as the others took a note of this and wanted to take a look as well. They all gasped and said 'oh god...'. I knew that reaction was coming.

'Holy- holy shit.. did you do this?!'

What. I did this?! No, no, I didn't do this- I found him dead. Nick did not just say that.

"What?! No! No I didn't! I found him like that! The murderer was there too!" 'Really? What did they look like?' His tone sounded like he didn't really believe what I said. "She was in this.. white, pink, and blue rabbit suit.. really weird choice- she was in the middle of it.. and then she saw me. She charged at me, punched me, and then stared at me for a minute- Ran off, she almost made me lose consciousness.." I said, huffing.

It was silent for a minute, but they all whispered and nodded. 'Well, that sounds believable enough. Murderers are usually hiding their identity. Did you catch her?' "No, they ran around the corner and.. disappeared? I don't know, she just- poofed." 'Huh. How does.. okay then- Well- Alright everyone, Two of you go upstairs and alert the higher staff team to lock down the building and explain what Y/N told us. We'll stay down here and call the police.' The employees nodded and two ran up away to get the building on lockdown and get every customer out. One employee dialed up 911 and waited for the police to answer. We waited for the employee to be done talking. 'Said they'll be here in a few minutes. We might as well wait.' I sighed quietly, turning off my flashlight and putting it back on my belt. Now we have to wait..


               hope you're enjoying it so far!! kinda sad, never got to see more of elijah

Soon enough, we were outside. The police arrived at the building, and we all escorted out of the building with Elijah's body. One of the police offers walked up to me and asked me what happened since I was a witness, basically. I explained what I explained to the employees, and as I did, the officer wrote down the story. In a short summary. The police officer closed his book, returning to his police car and the other police officers. Some of them were doing interviews with other employees (specifically the search team ones), some talking to one another, and some in their vehicles figuring stuff out.

I just wanted to go home, far away from this place. I just- I hated what I saw. I really do. I don't even know why I let the others see it- they're probably traumatized too, but probably not as much as me. That sounds bad, I know, but- still.. I literally got punched, witnessed a murder, and tried to stop it and failed. After a while, everyone was let off early today due to the incident. I won't be surprised if this place is open the next day even though there was a murder. Of course, it won't be opened to the public, but still. People will calculate what happened and then it gets spread around and then you know what happens.

We all had to walk in, put our ID cards at the device scanner, as it scanned us out. I then walked to the door, exiting, and walked out and back to my car and get in. I drive off back home, home sweet home.

While driving, I just listened to nothing. I didn't want to listen to anything. I didn't wanna do anything. That- that was just.. wrong! I mean- who would even ever think to do that? Killing a kid, in a place where a kids dreams can just come true- In one giant building of a mall for fucks sake. God I hate that rabbit lady.. I hope she never goes back to this place ever. Ever.

                                                                    TIMESKIP (again)

 I arrived home, finally. Took long enough. I grabbed my house key and unlocked the door, closing it once I got in. I noticed Pumpkin was laying by my shoes, probably put his fur all over them. Smiling and giggling, I took off my work shoes and walked upstairs as Pumpkin followed behind. I left my room door open because nobody else lives with me, and I have the freedom of privacy in my home.

I changed my clothes, mostly to my sleep ones. Was I already going to bed? I mean- it's only 5 PM. I'm probably just going to skip tomorrow, I mean- that's gonna take some recovery to at least get over that image and what even happened. I should probably at least do laundry.

I huffed, exiting downstairs after grabbing the laundry basket and did some laundry, cleaned dishes, cleaned the house a little bit, being productive! That's a first. Usually I'm.. more in my bed. Unmotivated. Thinking of bad thoughts. Probably really bad of me to do but it happens.

I go back upstairs, seems to be 7 PM, or close to 8 PM. Reasonable time to go to bed, thankfully. I laid down in bed and stared at the ceiling. I started to think of what happened today. My job, my life, and what I do.

'Holy shit.'

'I really wanna quit.'

'Not really. I want to quit.'


WOO!! second chapter done!!!!

hope you enjoyed it!! im probably going too fast, but idk, you can tell me in the comment and vote!! much obliged <33

june 28, 2022
1443 words

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