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𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟽


I smiled, thinking of Vanessa. She was really sweet to me, and she even let me help her! Nobody lets me help them. Well, some people do, but not lots.

I get back home, wishing Vanessa was still here all the sudden. Why..? ..Maybe it's because I just wish I had help! Yeah! Help. Maybe.. I could- No! She just got home, I don't want to be a bother or a burden to her already. I'll handle these myself, I can do that.

I let out a sigh of relief, finally the groceries put away. I walked up to my room where Pumpkin was already laying. I giggled, jumping up in bed with him, cuddling. I petted his head, as he started to purr loudly.

I had smiled, pulling out my phone. I opened it and looked at Vanessa's contacts. I guess I had actually got someone's number- so I guess I could put in the commitment.

(ex. Y/N -->, <-- Vanessa)

Y/N --> Hey Vanessa! Are you awake?


Why would she even be awake, it's like almost 8 PM..

yeah, i'm awake. did you need something? <-- Vanessa

Wh- Sh- She responded! Oh my god- okay.

Y/N --> Oh! I kind of didn't expect you to be awake, but I guess we can talk to get to know each other? :^)


sure, why not. you can ask the questions first, and i'll ask them back. <-- Vanessa

Y/N --> Okay! first off, am I able to call you VV? Vanessa just seems like a long name


sure. doesn't seem bad. <-- Vanessa

I smiled, quickly changing her contact's name to VV.

Y/N --> Alright, next question. What're you into? What're your interests?


well, i guess i'm into painting. i usually spray paint. not on illegal stuff, just at this little area that allows it. <-- VV

Y/N --> Oh! Well, that's cool. What's your favorite colors?


i guess red. i also like pink. <-- VV

Y/N --> Those are nice colors. Do you have a job?


i won't answer that one, i guess i want it to be private. <-- VV

I found that odd. I never knew a person could want to keep their job private.. eh, whatever. It's not my business to wander into.

Y/N --> Oh, okay. Sure. That's fine. What's your favorite thing to do and what's your favorite animal?


i guess my favorite thing to do is spray paint. my favorite animal is bunnies. <-- VV

Y/N --> That's a cute animal! What's your favorite food?


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