omggg hiii

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omg wsg everyone i havent updated in a WHILE!

so, for a hint of an update upon this little story of mine, i FINALLY got smth figured out.

for starters, i will be updating this book and continuing it! woooooOOOOOO!!!!

i am still debating on whether i should completely write this on a new book, or leave the chapters and just start out a brand-new introduction on the next chapter, or completely update this ENTIRE book

every character will be remade and redone. i have a completely new idea for this book due to me being incredibly decisive and making up new designs for my beloved vanny

secondly, this will be with she/her pronouns since i still am leaving my vanny a wlw gal (women loving/love women)

you are completely free to change it to whatever pronoun you desire, as it will not completely matter to me

secondly, i will be more, idk i guess unresponsive since yknow- school, friends, halloween holiday, schoolwork, you get it

im very happy to be seeing this book get votes and comments, they make my day somewhat regardless of it being funny, criticism, whatever. it just makes me happy knowing people have the will power to comment on this terrible book (very brave, i hardly comment on books)

but i would like to know your guys' opinion; should i completely restart this book or update all of the chapters? or even delete them and pretend this little update had never once been written about??

js let me know in the comments or js reply to it. doesnt matter, i'll still see it either way

hope you enjoy your day; hope you have eaten or drank some water. if not, completely okay! not the end of the world. but do eventually eat/drink lmao

thats it from me! 👋👋

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