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tw: none!


The day is finally here. Sunday. I was standing in front of my mirror, looking at my clothes. It seemed fine- I was wearing (whatever you decide to wear) and I'm not going to lie- I looked good in it!

I guess I dressed mayyybe a bit tad much for this occasion, but it doesn't matter! All that matters that this'll be a lovely hangout, and nothing more. I have a friend now, and this is super exciting! I never get to do these types of things.

I took a hold of my phone and looked at the time. It was around 10:30 AM- About 30 more minutes. Maybe. I huff, grabbing my phone and put it into my pocket/bag, opening my door and leaving it open incase Pumpkin decides to come in. I ran downstairs, accidently waking up Pumpkin in the process, and grabbed my car keys off of the little hanger. I put a coat on since it's starting to get a bit colder than usual. Always hated August- just for the cold air.

I wave bye to Pumpkin, closing the door and locking it with the house key. I should probably get a better lock for my door; I'm still scared of robberies here. It's not like it's going to happen, just a possibility.

Walking down towards my car, I fiddle with the keys until I'm holding the car key and unlock it. I opened the car door and got in, sitting down and closing it. I locked all of the doors and start the car.

Here we go...

off to Vanessas.


Sitting in the car, I texted her, saying that I was here. I remember where her floor is so that's good!

I got out of the car and walked into the building, looking around. It was a nice place really- It looked much more like a hotel than an apartment building. I walked towards the elevator and hit the button. I stood there patiently as the elevator came down.

Hearing the ding and the doors opening, I walked in and looked at the buttons, hitting the floor that she was on. I didn't even realize it, but I was smiling. Guess I'm just excited to see her.

As the elevator opened, my heart was racing. I didn't even know why- it was just like as if I was nervous to see her, which, I shouldn't be! She's my friend, and it's not like she's a bad person or anything. She seems cool as well, so she can't be that terrible.

I took a deep breath in and knocked. I heard footsteps coming towards the door, my heart racing for whatever reason, and then she opened the door. I stared up at her and smiled like an idiot..

"Hi." I started, waving my hand.

"..Hey." It was a breathy hey, and she was returning the smile that equipped itself on my face.

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