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𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚕.. 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚍𝚘 𝙸 𝚍𝚘?

𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹 -- 𝙺𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚑𝚎𝚛.

this takes place when you caught her!!

tw - blood, stabbing, mention of death, knives, homophobia (zamn she already got a crush on you), f slur being mentioned


I stabbed the kid one last time, leaving the knife in there whilst covering his mouth. I then ripped the knife out, blood everywhere. I wish I got a little bit better at handling kids- for christ sake he tried escaping so many times to the point where I had to pin him down. I huffed, turning my head over to the body bag. I might as well put it in the trash, there wasn't any suits or any better place to hide his body.

Just as I was walking, the door slowly creaked open. I whipped my head to the door, seeing a girl. '..Elijah..?' Is that the kids name? I should've asked for his name first. I heard her gasp, as she opened the door fully. '..What.. What the hell?! What happened?!' She sounded so panicked and scared, I loved it. I love hearing people tremble in fear.

She then saw me, putting her flashlight at my face. I didn't really like that- Hurt my eyes for fucks sake- I ran up to her just as she was about to speak and punched her, I don't even know what I was thinking- She fell down to the ground hard, groaning and looked up. I stared down at her. Seeing her like this made me feel something, I didn't wanna kill her, I didn't have the urge to kill her- Why? Why can't I kill her? oh shit she's regaining consciousness-

 I started to run, and as I was 5 feet away, she started to get up and run. She was slow at first due to me punching her hard enough to make her almost lose consciousness, which gained me to get at least 15 feet away from her. I quickly turned around the corner, which I ran inside the closet as fast as I could and closed the door as quiet as I could. Somehow, she was dumb enough not to even check the closet I'm in. I let out a relieved sigh, as I heard her walk away.

I giggled quietly, opening the door as quiet as I could and closed the door as quiet as I could. I then ran away as I couldn't go back and dispose the body. I needed to get to Fazer Blast.


damn, couldnt even risk going back for you 😭

Walking down the path, I looked down. So colorful and bright, probably could hurt my eyes, I walked into my room and took my suit head off. I shook my head a little as I was sweating a bit, my hair a bit frizzy but it's fine. I set the suit head on the floor and take a hold of my mask I made. I made it just for him, but he didn't really want it, so I kept it for me to wear.

 I clipped it on and searched for a plushie. This green, glitched looking rabbit plushie. I found it on top of the arcade machine and reached up and grabbed it. I sat down in the corner where my 'bed' was, if you even want to call it a bed. It's just a mattress, pillow, and blanket. I let out a long exhale, ready for whatever he's going to yell at me for...

"Glitch Trap..? Can you hear me?"

'What is it.'

"..I kind of.. need to tell you something."

'Spit it out, hurry up. I don't have all day.'

"Someone caught me.. killing the target.."

There was silence. I was scared. What if he leaves me to rot? What if he finds a way to turn me in? What if he..


I jumped a little, I was expecting something, but I wasn't really ready for it-


"i- i couldn't help it- i just.. didn't want to kill her, i don't know why-"

'What. Do you have feelings for her or something?'

"No! No, not at all!"

'Good. I don't want a little... fag being my 'helpful' assistant of killing.'

I widened my eyes at this. Did he.. did he seriously?- Wait is he homophobic? Oh shit..

'Would be terrible.'

"Yeah.. yeah.. mhm."

"..Well.. what do I do?"

'You know what to do.'

'Kill her.'


ah DAMN he's homophobic, and also i'm sorry for a short chapter, i didn't really know what to do. but hey, it leaves the question of is vanny going to do what glitch trap says or not?

thank you so much for reading!! if you have any questions or tips, put it in the comments!!

vote too! much obliged!! <3

ily!! june 28, 2022

830 words

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